التنوع البيولوجي المائي ومصايد الأسماك الداخلية

South and central America
Year: 1985
This bibliography was prepared following the recommendation made by the member countries of the Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America (COPESCAL) at its Third Session (Mexico, DF, 30 November - 6 December 1983) to facilitate the access of research [...]
South and central America
Year: 1985
Numerosas especies ícticas de las aguas continentales de América Latina realizan amplias migraciones con fines tróficos, reproductivos o para escaparse de condiciones adversas del ambiente. Se estudiaron estas migraciones mediante marcación o por observación directa en muchos sistemas fluviales. Este [...]
Year: 1984
Este informe recapitula los argumentos para la conservación de los recursos genéticos de los peces y las diversas estrategias para llevarla a cabo tanto en aguas continentales como en el mar. Recapitula la importancia de la diversidad genética, especialmente en [...]
North America
Year: 1984
Information on the taxonomy, distribution, biology, populations, fisheries, fisheries management and culture of the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), is compiled, reviewed, and analyzed in the FAO species synopsis style. New information indicates this species exhibits biological and life-cycle differences over [...]
Year: 1984
Information on the taxonomy, distribution, biology, populations, fisheries, and fisheries management of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), is compiled, reviewed, and analyzed in the FAO species synopsis style.
Year: 1983
This report, prepared by the European Inland Fisheries Research Advisory Commission Working Party on Water Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish, critically reviews the literature on the occurrende and effects of chromium in fresh water. It lists and discusses the [...]
Year: 1983
The taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries, management and culture of grass carp a Chinese carp.
Year: 1982
taxonomie, distribution, reproduction, nourriture et croissance, pêche, protection et gestion de la pêche, aquaculture
Year: 1982
taxonomie, distribution, reproduction, nourriture et croissance, pêche, protection et gestion de la pêche, aquaculture
Year: 1980
Holthuis, L.B.,FAO species catalogue. Vol.1. 1980 Shrimps and prawns of the world. An annotated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. FAO Fish.Synop., (125)Vol.l:271 p.
This species guide is intended to provide as complete an enumeration as possible of the freshwater, [...]