التنوع البيولوجي المائي ومصايد الأسماك الداخلية
Year: 1980
This catalogue includes: (i) all species known to be used for human consumption, (ii) species known to be sold for bait and as sub-products, (iii) species not commercially exploited at present but considered by experts to be of potential commercial [...]
North America
Year: 1979
The taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries, management and culture of walleye.
Year: 1977
Synopsis. Biological data. Freshwater fish. Taxonomy. Identification keys. Vernacular names. Morphology (organisms). Geographical distribution. Hybridization. Sexual reproduction. Life cycle. Dc:velopment (biological). Autecology. Population characterisdcs. Inland fisheries. Fishing gear. Fishing grounds. Fishery regulations. Habitat improvement. Stocking (organisms). Fish culture. Freshwater aquaculture. [...]
Year: 1976
Taxonomy, distribution, biology, fisheries and culture of largemouth bass.
Year: 1976
In 1973 FAO published “A Bibliography of African Freshwater Fish”, prepared by H. Matthes. This compilation included all references to African Freshwater Fishery Science up to 1968 with the exception of papers dealing with economics and/or fishery statistics, processing, agricultural [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1975
Taxonomy, distribution, biology, fishery and culture of Labeo rohita a major Indian carp.
Year: 1974
Sarotherodon galilaeus is one of the most widespread. oichlid. species on the African continent, forming a basis for many fisheries, both in Africa and Israel.
Year: 1973
There are extensive data on the toxicity of zinc to fish laboratory conditions supported to some extent by field data on fish kills there are virtually no field observations to indicate the concentrations of zinc that are not inimical to [...]
Year: 1973
Sensitivity of fish to low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) differs between species, between the various life stages (eggs, larvae, and adults), and between the different life processes (reading, growth, and reproduction, which in turn may depend on swimming ability, [...]
Year: 1973
La sensibilite des poisoons aux faibles teneurs en oxyqgno dissou, (OD) differe d'une espace a l'autre, d'un stade du cycle biologique ä l'autre (oeufs, larvec et adultes), ainsi que d'un processun biologique A l'apre (alimentation, croissance ot reproduction, qui peuvent [...]