Pesca continental

Managing Africa’s water resources: integrating sustainable use of land, forests and fisheries. Nature et Faune No. 27(1).

Linkages to water management

Transboundary approaches to river basin management – the Okavango case study

Opportunities for expanding the benefits from cooperative transboundary water governance in the Nile Basin: benefits beyond physical water quantities

Integrated water resources management for sustainable use: the case of the Volta Basin in West Africa

If Africa is to develop its agriculture, should it follow the recommendations of the World Commission on Dams?

Sharing the benefits of large dams in West Africa

Managing the Komati’s water resources: integrating sustainable use of land, forests and fisheries in a basin shared by South Africa and Swaziland

Certifying Sustainable Aquaculture for Africa; leveling the playing field for smaller-scale producers while ensuring ecosystem health

Complementarity between the sectorial water management approach and integrated management of water resources: concept and implementation mechanisms.

Agricultural water development and management in Africa: the role of AgWA partnership AgWA Secretariat, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Impacts of climate change and variability on Africa’s water resources

The link between forest, water and people: an agenda to promote in the context of climate change in Central Africa

Integrated management of land and water: agricultural and land use practices to enhance water security in Cameroon 

Sustainable water management tips for Sahel savannah ecoregion of Nigeria

Integrating sustainable use of land, forests and fisheries: the case of Bui dam's water resources management on the Black Volta River in Ghana

Underwater logging: Ghana’s experience with the Volta lake project

Conservation of water resources by planting Australian acacias in the vicinity of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Towards integrated river basin management: case study of Gonarezhou national park, Zimbabwe

Country Focus: Swaziland

Towards sustainable and integrated water resources management in Swaziland 

FAO Activities and Results

Managing Somali land and water resources

FAO invests in small-scale irrigation technologies in West Africa through the Water and Food Security Initiative