Politiques et gouvernance
Central and western Asia
Year: 2009
The fisheries sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan (or Uzbekistan), composed of inland capture fisheries and aquaculture sectors, has a potentially important role in the development of the rural economy of the country. However, in recent years the sector’s contribution [...]
Year: 2009
This course book has been prepared for the delivery of the Custom Training Courses (CTC) project on building capacity for mainstreaming fisheries comanagement in Indonesia. The purpose of this course book is to introduce the participants to the principles and practice of [...]
Year: 2009
The importance of living aquatic resources to the people of Lao PDR is increasingly well understood. Their role is woven into the culture food and tradition of Loa people from every part of the country and each of its eco-regions. [...]
Year: 2008
This document is the final report of the Regional Stakeholders’ Workshop on Fishing Effort and Capacity on Lake Victoria. The main purpose of the workshop was to share, recognize and include the national stakeholders’ perspectives and concerns that had been [...]
Year: 2007
In 2003 the pilot project set in train a vast undertaking of rural development and inland fisheries governance which will only come to an end when its full impact becomes apparent after at least 12 years of sustained activities. The [...]
Central and western Asia
Year: 2006
In 2003 the Government of Georgia requested the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to provide technical assistance for the sustainable development and management of the fishery sector in the country. FAO, through its Technical Cooperation Programme [...]
Year: 2005
This paper was prepared to serve as background for a workshop on mainstreaming fisheries comanagement, held in Cambodia in August 2005. The paper examines the policy and legislative frameworks for co-management in thirteen countries in Asia and the Pacific, and [...]
Year: 2005
This document is the final report of the Technical Consultation between Malawi. Mozambique and Tanzania on the Development and Management of the Fisheries of Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa. The major topics discussed were:current status of the fisheries in the Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa national sectors; [...]

Year: 2003
Cover of the FAO simplified guidelines on responsible inland fisheries
Year: 2003
A simplifed explanation of the FAO technical guidelines "Inland fisheries. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. No. 6. Rome, FAO. 1997. 36p.". This document highlights the special characteristics of inland water fisheries and the challenges involved in making sure that fish [...]