Восстановление и смягчение воздействия на внутренние водоемы

Central and western Asia
Year: 2018
Inland waterway management is complex and faces unique challenges as inland waterways have a variety of users. The mixture and overlap of local, regional, national and at times international regulations exacerbate the problem of managing inland waterways. The Danube is [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2017
Habitat or biological connectivity is critical for maintaining species movements, flow of resources and ecological functioning across landscapes. In aquatic systems, connectivity equates to the maintenance of water flow and connection between different ‘patches’ of water, and as such water [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2015
This document provides an overview and guidance to inform responsible stocking and enhancement of inland waters in Asia. It comprises three technical papers prepared for and presented to the APFIC/FAO regional consultation “Improving the contribution of culture-based fisheries and fishery [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2015
Enhancement to improve the performance of inland capture fisheries beyond a level sustainable by natural processes may entail stocking with seed originating from aquaculture installations or the wild, or from modification of the fishery habitat. In Asia, the most typical [...]
Year: 2013
The FAO/SEAFDEC Workshop on Principles of Improved Fish Passage at Cross-river Obstacles, with Relevance to Southeast Asia was held in Khon Kaen, Thailand, in March 2013. In this workshop participated representatives from agencies responsible for fisheries and/or construction/operation of cross-river [...]
Central and western Asia
Year: 2013
Although the Kyrgyz Republic is rich in water resources, water has a low productivity and the indigenous fish fauna is relatively poor, with a limited number of commercially-valuable species amongst them. The waters are suitable to grow valuable cold water [...]

Year: 2011
Sturgeon hatcheries play an important role in the rehabilitation of the sturgeon stocks in the Caspian Sea and elsewhere. Since the demise of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991, a large part of the experience, expertise and specifi [...]

Central and western Asia
Year: 2011
Culture-based fisheries have been successfully developed across the world in order to increase productivity of capture fisheries. Unfortunately, political upheaval, the disruption of historic fish supply chains and limited state budgets combined halted many of the stocking and culture-based fisheries [...]
Year: 2008
Many rivers, lakes and other inland waters have been modified and degraded by human activities. Rehabilitation of degraded systems and mitigation of impacts of ongoing stresses are needed to preserve ecosystem services and fisheries, and are of a high priority [...]
Year: 2005
The degradation of inland aquatic habitats through decades of human activities has lead to massive efforts to rehabilitate freshwater habitats for fisheries and aquatic resources in watersheds throughout the world. Many texts have been written on techniques for rehabilitation though [...]