Aquatic biodiversity and inland fisheries
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2014
This report contains the assessments of availability and use of aquatic organisms in rice ecosystems conducted in late 2013 in four sites in Indonesia (three in West Java and one in Bali), three sites in Xieng Khouang Province in Lao [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2005
Interactive online document: Aquatic resources derived from rice fields and associated environments often contribute a large share of the animal protein and other nutrients intake of poor households, particularly in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, although this dietary contribution is self-evident for [...]
Year: 2005
The use of alien species is a proven means to increase production and value from aquatic ecosystems. In the Mekong/Lanchang Basin, alien species such as tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) play an important role in providing cheap and readily available protein to [...]
Year: 2005
The Symposium on Cold Water Fishes of the Trans-Himalayan Region was held on the 10-13 July 2001 in Kathmandu, Nepal. It was jointly organized by the Directorate of Fisheries Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, His Majesty's Government of Nepal, [...]

Year: 2004
Tilapias are not native to Asia but have been a significant component of inland fisheries and aquaculture in the region for over half a century. They have been introduced into over 90 countries worldwide, with a global distribution second only [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 2004
This document discusses the history and the current status of marine and freshwater ornamental fish species in Sri Lanka, which areexported tosome 25 countries in responseto demand. It contains lists of marine and freshwater species, including endangered species, and information [...]
Year: 2000
Thirteen major chapters deal with the following: aquatic macrophytes as fish habitat (spawning, nesting, nursery and feeding habitat, and the significance of structural complexity and density of aquatic macrophytes for fish); fish and other vertebrates of fishery significance that feed [...]

Year: 1998
A total of 1 354 introductions of 237 species into 140 countries are analyzed. The number of introductions carried out rose from the middle of the last century until the 1960s and have lessened since then. Introductions have been made [...]
South, southeast and east Asia
Year: 1996
This field guide contains approximately 500 species of present or potential interest to or likely to encountered in , fisheries in the Cambodia Mekong. This covers all species historically recorded form Cambodian reaches of the Mekong as well as numerous [...]

Year: 1996
This document was prepared to be used as a background document to the FAO Guidelines on the Precautionary Approach to Fisheries and Species Introduction (FAO, 1995). It contains a series of scientific papers prepared to provide a comprehensive review and [...]