Inland Fisheries

Report of the second session of the IPFC Working Party on inland fisheries. New Delhi, India, 23–27 January 1984, and Report of the Joint Workshop of the IPFC Working Party on inland fisheries and the IPFC Working Party on aquaculture, on the role of stoc

Overview of inland fisheries

This document presents The Report of the Second Session of the IPFC Working Party on Inland Fisheries, which met in New Delhi, India, from 23 to 27 January 1984;  The report of a Workshop held jointly between the IPFC Working Parties on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture to consider specifically the role of stocking and introductions in the improvement of production of lakes and reservoirs. Individual contributions to this Workshop are appended.

Report of the Second Session of the IPFC Working Party on Inland Fisheries

Report of the Joint Workshop on the Role of Stocking and Introductions in the Improvement of Production of Lakes and Rivers

Annex I. List of Participants

Annex II. Papers submitted to the Joint Workshop on the Role of Stocking and Introductions in the Improvement of Production of Lakes and Reservoirs

Cage culture techniques adapted for developing reservoir fisheries (Hu Bahtong and Min Kwanhung)

Indigenous fish and stocking of lakes and reservoirs on tropical islands of the Indo-Pacific (T. Petr)

Aquaculture in the lakes and reservoirs associated with stocking practices in Southeast Asia (K.F. Rajbanshi)

Influence of Stocking on fish production in reservoirs in India (A. Sreenivasan)

Problems associated with quantification of stocking (M.J.S. Wijeyaratne)