Managing inland fisheries
Year: 2000
1) This report presents results of the joint AfDB/FAO/FISHCODE Mission to Lake Tanganyika, which was carried out between March and July 2000, and involved technical consultations at FAO Headquarters in Rome as well as extensive field visits to the Lake [...]
Year: 2000
The present report was drafted in accordance with AfDB Environmental Assessment Guidelines, on behalf of the AfDB and the four Lake Tanganyika littoral States of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Tanzania, and Zambia. Responsibility for its preparation was [...]
Year: 1999
Recommendations: It is recommended to - (a) Introduce some form of participatory mechanisms in both fisheries legislation of Burundi and Tanzania. (b) Ensure consultation with fishers and other stakeholders prior to the devising of fisheries regulations in all four lacustrine [...]
Year: 1997
The Second Session of the Joint EIFAC/ICES Working Group on Eel took place from 23 to 27 September 1996, in IJmuiden, the Netherlands. The Session was attended by 41 participants from 29 countries, including 23 European countries as well as [...]
Year: 1997
The Technical Consultation on Species for Small Reservoir Fishieries and Aquaculture in Southern Africa organised by ALCOM, was held from 7 to 11 November 1994 in Livingstone, Zambia. It was attended by 52 participants from within and outside the region.
The [...]
Pacific and Australasia
Year: 1997
This report lists the fish stocking/enhancement activities undertaken by the FISHAID project and its predecessor (the Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project). During both projects stock enhancement activities were as approved by the Government of P.N.G. Each species selected (as [...]
Year: 1997
The current interest in small water bodies derives mainly from their utilization for fisheries enhancement, which involves guidance on stocking, exploitation and species management in order to obtain optimum yield on a sustainable basis. The present study is an attempt [...]
Year: 1996
This document was intended for aquaculture development specialists, aquaculture project managers, and officials and specialists involved in the planning and management of aquaculture activities in small water bodies in Africa. It is intended to provide an introduction to Rapid Rural [...]

Year: 1996
This technical paper provides guidelines for an integrated management strategy for floodplain river fisheries. The paper is written in two separate volumes.
Part 1 presents the guidelines in a ‘user-friendly’ format, to promote their uptake by fishery managers, policy makers and [...]

Year: 1996
This document complies and consolidates existing information on diseases and infections occurring in African fish. Data have been organised into a convenient format along with an update of available general information on fish diseases and their aetiological agents. Incorporated into [...]