Inland Fisheries

Overview of inland fisheries

Year: 1997
Fish Stock Sampling, Catch Monitoring Survey, Socio-economic Study, EASTERN PROVINCE OF ZAMBIA, Reservoirs in Eastern Province, CHARACTERISTICS OF RESERVOIR FISHERY, Fish species, Fishing gears, Composition of Catches, Species selectivity, Size selectivity, Fishing grounds and Seasonality of Fishing gears, Fishing Grounds, [...]
Year: 1997
La stratégie de développement pendant les années 60 et 70 était basée sur la phìlosophie selon laquelle les pays en développement manquaient de technologie perfectionnée et de capitaux pour accélérer leur développement L'industrialisation était donc promue dans le but de [...]
South and central America
Year: 1996
Fisheries development has not been homogeneous in Latin America and the Caribbean. Besides historical, economic, social and political aspects, development has been conditioned by the nature of aquatic resources, providing common patterns as well as significant differences among fisheries sector [...]
South and central America
Year: 1996
This document presents the final report of the Seventh Session of the Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America (COPESCAL), held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, from 16 to 20 January 1995. The main subjects discussed by the [...]
Year: 1995
The most important inland fisheries in southern Africa tend to be concentrated on large lakes, such as Tanganyika, Malawi and Kariba, or the floodplains and rivers in the northern parts of the region. The supply of fish is erratic in [...]
Year: 1995
This document is the final report of the Ninth Session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa, which was held in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 5 to 9 December 1994. Major topics discussed were: African inland fisheries, aquaculture and the [...]
Year: 1994
This report is an overview of fisheries-related information on thirteen African reservoirs exceeding 300 km2 in surface area. The reservoirs are Lagdo, Maga, Mbakaou and Bamendjing (Cameroon), Kossou and Buyo (Cote d'lvorie), Manantali and Sélingué (Mali), Jebel Aulia (Sudan), Mtera (Tanzania), [...]
Year: 1994
Le présent document résume les conclusions du Groupe de travail CPCA sur la pollution et les pêches. Il contient des recommandations concernant les stratégies de lutte contre la pollution aquatique, notamment l'établissement de normes de qualité de l'environnement, en insistant [...]
Year: 1993
This document presents a summary of the geographical, historical, technical and institutional infrastructure of inland fisheries in the following European countries: Albania, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. Information is set out in a standardized format for [...]
Year: 1993
Fisheries hold very considerable potential for contributing to the development of Eritrea, both in terms of foreign exchange earnings and in terms of protein supply to the population. The potential catch of the Red Sea fisheries lies in the range [...]