Forests and trees sustain and protect us in invaluable ways. They provide the clean air that we breathe and the water that we drink. They host and safeguard the planet’s biodiversity and act as our natural defence against climate change. Life on earth is made possible and sustainable thanks to forests and trees.
The theme of the 2015 International Day of Forests (IDF) is Forests | Climate | Change, chosen purposely to highlight the ways in which forests and climate change are linked, and to rally global support for greater action and change.
Forests and climate change
International Day of Forest photo gallery
Photo gallery: See how people around the world celebrated the Day.
Events around the world
National Tree Planting Day, Iran
6 March 2015, Forest Park of Sohanak, Tehran
Description: FAO in collaboration with the Forest, Range and Watershed Management Organization (FRWO) of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture marked the national Tree Planting Day by mobilizing a huge tree planting event in Forest Park of Sohanak located in Tehran. Citizens of Tehran and surrounding areas, together with NGOs, charities, schools and training centres, sport clubs, students of universities, seminaries and religious schools, police departments, employees of the Department of Environment and the Municipality of Tehran, gathered at the event to plant thousands of saplings in solidarity with the FAO initiative 'Growing Greener Cities' and in support of this year's International Day of Forests theme "Forest and Trees – Climate Change".
Tree-planting ceremony, Iran
10 March 2015, Shahid Bahonar Student Camp, Tehran
Description: At a tree-planting ceremony held on Tuesday in Tehran under the title “Birthday of the Earth”, FAO emphasized the importance of adhering to the call made by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the need for the nation to mobilize efforts to protect the country’s natural resources and forests.
Día Internacional de los Bosques 2015, México
Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Del. Baja California, el departamento de Promotoría Forestal y Programa de Cultura Forestal de la Comisión Nacional Forestal, 17 March 2015. Mexico, Baja California
Hacemos de su conocimiento que el próximo martes 17 de marzo nos uniremos a la conmemoración del Día Internacional de los Bosques 2015 en Ensenada, Baja California, México a través de la realización de un ciclo de charlas sobre la importancia de los bosques del estado, dirigida a estudiantes universitarios. Este es un esfuerzo coordinado por la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Del. Baja California, el departamento de Promotoría Forestal y Programa de Cultura Forestal de la Comisión Nacional Forestal, Baja California y el Programa Cultura y Educación por la Conservación del Parque Nacional Constitución de 1857, perteneciente a la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas.
International Day of Forests, Chile
Grupo de Acción Forestal de la Universidad de Talca
Description: Este jueves, 19 de Marzo, el Grupo de Acción Forestal (GAF) celebró este día plantando 17 árboles, uno por cada año de vida del GAF, (fue fundado el 31 de Marzo de 1998), en la Universidad de Talca, como una manera de sumar fuerzas, a la lucha contra el cambio climático y el fomento de una real valoración de los árboles y bosques en cuanto a sus aportes, estéticos, ambientales y productivo. La actividad contó con la participación de Socios actuales y Honorarios y contó con el respaldo de programa de Arborización de la Corporación Nacional Forestal, CONAF.
Faces of the Forest Photo Contest, Mediterranean Forest Week
Organized by the Network of Forest Communicators in the Mediterranean Region and Near East (FCNMedNE) for the IV Mediterranean Forest Week 17-20 March 2015 in Spain, Barcelona
Description: The #FacesOfTheForest contest highlights the vital role of forests in the development of our people, the people of the forest. Photos reflected the role played by forest people, and forests in income generation, mitigation of climate change, water conservation, soil conservation, sustainable development, social equity, gender balance, women empowerment, youth development.
International Day of Forests, Algeria
Association of Life, Environment and Tourism, 19 - 21 March 2015, Algeria
Description: السلام عليكم نحن جمعية الحياة والبيئة والسياحة لولاية سعيدة من الجزائر ، سطرنا برنامجا ثريا ومتنوعا بالمناسبة : 19 مارس تنظيم نصف يوم دراسي حول أهمية وتقنيات التشجير 21 مارس تنظيم خرجة ل 200 تلميذ إلى غابة والقيام بتنصيب معرض تنظيم حملة تشجير بالغابة وتقسيم الأفواج إلى ورشات تناقش في ما بينها موضع الشجرة والقيام بانجاز رسومات و إعداد معشبة نباتية
International Day of Forests, Addis Ababa
African Union, 20 March 2015, Ethiopia, African Union Commission headquarters
Description: The African Union Commission (AUC), and FAO will jointly organize a half day event to celebrate the International Day of Forests (IDF) in Addis Ababa on 20 March 2015. The event will be characterized by statements from the AUC and FAO and a panel discussion to exchange views on “Challenges for the Forestry Sector in Africa". Forests and trees are relatively fragile and easily affected by drought, erosion, fires and wood cutting for firewood, not to mention the continuous effect of climate change. There is therefore an urgent need for the forestry sector in Africa to show clear commitment and to work with other sectors in the improvement and design of appropriate policies and mechanisms that allows for participatory and community based management with an integrated landscape planning approach.
Create a Climate Smart Future special event, New York
UNFF, 20 March 2015, UN headquarters, New York
Description: A special event in celebration of the International Day will be held at United Nations Headquarters on Friday, 20 March 2015 in the Economic and Social Council Chamber. The event entitled “International Day of Forests: Create a Climate Smart Future” will focus on showcasing forest-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable development more broadly.
Forests | Climate | Change special event, Rome
20 March 2015, Italy, FAO headquarters, Rome
Description: Join FAO and partners in celebrating the International Day of Forests. The Day’s theme for 2015 is Forests | Climate | Change to highlight the ways in which forests and climate change are linked and the central role that forests can play in its mitigation. With contributions from partners and video screenings, the event will present important findings on the role of forests in climate change mitigation, based on data from FAO’s Global Forest Resources Assessment and on the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.
International Day of Forests 2015, Geneva
UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section, 20 March 2015, Switzerland, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Description: UNECE and FAO are hosting the annual “International Day of Forests” on 20 March 2015 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. This year’s celebration is dedicated to the theme of “Forests for Food – Food for Forests”. The celebration consists of a series of events, including a roundtable, press conference and the “Learning from Forests” exhibition.
International Day of Forests student debate, Bangkok
FAO, RECOFTC 20 March 2015, Thailand, Bangkok
Description: Building on the success of 2014 International Day of Forests celebrations through lively forestry debates that took place on 21 March 2014; the FAO Regional Office for Asia Pacific (RAP) will continue this tradition by organizing three debates targeting high school and university students based in Bangkok on 20 March 2015.
International Day of Forests symposium, Seoul
Korea Forest Service and Korean Forest Society 20 March 2015, Republic of Korea, Seoul, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Description: In celebration of the day, the Korea Forest Service and Korean Forest Society invite external experts to discuss key issues in forestry and seek solutions. The symposium will consist of a keynote lecture on the past experiences of Korea, two thematic sessions and discussion.
De la Ordenación de Montes al Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama: Más de Cien Años de Gestión Forestal Sostenible, Spain
21 March 2015, Centro Nacional de Educación Ambiental, SegoviaDía Internacional de los Bosques, Santiago, CONAF and FAO, Chile, Santiago
Description: CONAF y FAO conmemoran Día Internacional de los Bosques plantando árboles nativos. Junto a voluntarios del Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (INJUV) y autoridades locales, se crearon bosquestes de árboles nativos en el Parque Brasil de la comuna de La Granja. Con la plantación de árboles nativos en un parque urbano de la ciudad de Santiago, se celebró el Día Internacional de Los Bosques, instancia que fue encabezada por el Director de la Corporación Nacional Forestal de la Región Metropolitana (CONAF), Germán Ortiz, la representante de la FAO en Chile, Eve Crowley, y diversas autoridades locales.
Green Earth Festival for the International Day of Forests, Japan
National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization, Forest Culture Association, OISCA Japan, Forestry Agency, Forestry Agency Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, NPO Forests and Environment Network Association, Tokyo Bay Area.
Description: International Exchange/Tree Planting in “Umi‐no‐Mori (Sea Forest)”
Hug a tree, Republic of Korea
Korea Forest Service 21 March 2015, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon
Description: Celebrating the International Day of Forests and the upcoming 70th Arbor Day in Korea, the Korea Forest Service will organize a tree hugging event to stress the importance of forests and attract public and media attention. KFS expects to break the current largest tree hug record of 936 people with estimated 2,000 participants.
International Day of Forests, Cabo Verde
21 March 2015, Cape Verde
Description: His Royal Highness Prince Laurent of Belgium visited Cabo Verde from 18 to 22 March 2015 for the celebration of the International Day of Forests at Serra Malagueta. Prince Laurent paid courtesy visits to H.E. President of the Republic, Prime Minister, Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development and President of the City Chamber of Maio. This was also an opportunity for the Special Ambassador to FAO for Forests and the Environment to visit forestry projects across the islands. He visited the Higher School of Agricultural Science and Environment where he also met students from the University of Cabo Verde and held a conference to advocate for FAO’s important work in supporting countries in the challenging context of climate change.
International Day of Forests, Colombia
SENA Centro Agroempresarial de Desarrollo Pecuario, 21 March 2015, Colombia, Huile
Description: SENA Centro Agroempresarial de Desarrollo Pecuario del Huila en Colombia junto con aprendices del programa Tecnólogo en Gestión de los Recursos Naturales para celebrar el dia de los bosques desarrollamos una jornada de plantación de arboles en un parque muy conocido en la localidad y un poco abandonado por sus habitantes, por este motivo en este día plantamos arboles, limpiamos el parque, pintamos y sensibilizamos a la comunidad sobre la importancia de su cuidado.
International Day of Forests, Fiji
South Pacific Community Secretariat, 21 March 2015, Fiji
Description: The Lands Resources Division of the Secretariat of the South Pacific Community marked the event in Nadi yesterday where they conducted tree planting for current and future generations.
International Day of Forests, Pakistan
21 March 2015, Pakistan, Forest Training School Ghora Gali, Murree
Description: International Day of Forests was celebrated with the pledge to protect forests from damage and promoting forestry to tackle the challenges of global warming. A seminar was held at Forest Training School Ghora Gali, Murree, Pakistan on Saturday under the auspices of Pakistan Green Task Force, Ministry of Climate Change, Punjab Forest Department and IUCN. Representing Federal Minister for Climate Change Mr. Mushahid Ullah Khan, his Political Secretary Mr. Sulman Abbasi read out the message of Federal Minister for Climate Change and said that emissions of greenhouse gases is alarming and decreasing forests is a matter of concern which should be handled by planting new saplings. Country Representative IUCN Mehmood Akhtar Cheema also spoke on the efforts and projects initiated to address climate change issues. Dr. Shahzad DIG, Ministry of Climate Change briefed about the importance of forests wealth and measures to check illegal cutting of trees.
International Day of Forests, Philippines
K2F, Institute of Agroforestry, Philippine Agroforestry Education & Research Network, Yakap Kalikasan, FAO, 21 March 2015, Philippines
Description: K2F led some 30 children, youth and parents in celebration of the International Day of Forests on March 21. In collaborationg with UPLB Institute of Agroforestry, children visited the agroforestry learning laboratory, model farm, watched vermicomposting process, had fun tasting miracle fruit, smelled many different unique medicinal and aromatic plants and fruits, listened to a brief orientation about rubber and rubber tapping and planted seedlings in the dipterocarp plantation in Makiling. In additon, some of the 2011 Earth Ambassadors were convened by our partner, UP Open University, for tree planting as their contribution to the celebration of the IDF.
La Journée internationale des forêts, France
Office français de la Fondation pour l'Education à l'Environnement en Europe, 21 March 2015, France
Description: Participez à la seconde édition de la Journée internationale des forêts en France et mettez l’arbre et la forêt à l’honneur avec les acteurs de votre territoire. Quel que soit votre profil, vous pouvez organiser une manifestation autour de l’arbre, de la forêt et du bois et des nombreuses thématiques qui y sont liées, en vous inscrivant à partir du 1er Septembre 2014. Vos outils En inscrivant votre manifestation sur le site internet, vous pourrez accéder aux ressources pour vous aider dans l’organisation de votre manifestation : Guide de l’organisateur ; Kit de communication ; Une visibilité nationale, via le site internet de l’opération qui présente le programme officiel des manifestations au grand public.
Symposium: Forest and people in the tropics and our life in Japan
Waseda University, 21 March 2015, Japan, Waseda University and Forest and Forest Products Research Institute of Japan
Giornata Internazionale delle Foreste, Italy
La Riserva Naturale Regionale Orientata Bosco delle Pianelle 21-22 March 2015 Italy, Martina Franca
Description: La Riserva Naturale Regionale Orientata Bosco delle Pianelle ha aderito alla Giornata Internazionale della Foresta, che si terrà il 21 marzo 2015 . Il raggruppamento delle Associazioni che gestiscono da settembre le attività miranti alla valorizzazione e promozione della Riserva hanno predisposto per questa occasione una serie di iniziative che si svolgeranno nell’arco di 2 giorni (21-22 marzo).
Kids-to-Forests field excursion, Thailand
FAO 21-22 March 2015, Thailand, Kanchanaburi, Kids to Fields forest excursion with the PATT Foundation
Description: The two-day Kids-to-Forests field excursion for 25 secondary school students and 5 teachers from selected international high schools in Bangkok will provide hands-on experience to students, teachers in forest restoration, and sustainable forest management, in collaboration with local communities and governmental organisations.
International Day of Forests photo contest, Italy
Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forests of Lombardy, Italy, 21 March 2015 - 21 May 2015, Italy
Description: ERSAF - Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forests of Lombardy, Italy, organized a photo contest titled "Click ... the forest awakens".
National Beehive Sitting Day, Tanzania
25 March 2015, United Republic of Tanzania
Description: Beekeeping in Tanzania is done in natural forests mostly in Miombo. By having this day, people are reminded of conserving the natural forests.
International Day of Forests, Indonesia
Indonesian Ministry for Forest and the Environment, 28 March 2015, Indonesia, University of Indonesia, Depok
Description: The Indonesian Ministry for Forest and the Environment marked the International Day of Forests, 2015, in a mass tree planting at the boulevard of a leading tertiary education institution, the University of Indonesia. FAO Indonesia representative Mark Smulders joined the event together with government officials and hundreds of UI students and elementary schools.
International Day of Forests, Malaysia
Forest Research Institute Malaysia 28 March 2015, Malaysia, Kepong Botanic Gardens, Kepong
Description: FRIM celebrated its International Day of Forests (IDF) on Saturday, 28 March, at the Kepong Botanic Gardens (KBG), with activities such as tree planting, amazing race, collage and colouring contests for children, as well as river cleaning for public participation. The official ceremony was graced by the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE), Dato’ Sri Dr James Dawos Mamit. In conjunction, FRIM launched commemorative stamps with its 30th anniversary celebration this year.
National Tree Planting Day, Tanzania
1 April 2015, United Republic of Tanzania
Description: Tanzania has celebrated National Tree Planting Day for the past 15 years. Communities, institutions and government are reminded to plant trees and conserve the natural forest. The days are marked by political speeches from high ranking officials. Since 2009, we changed the day to 1st April. That means in two days we are going to celebrate another one in Misenyi District Kagera Regions, Northwestern Tanzania close to Uganda. Due to vast land and different geographic conditions including rain months, every region set their own day depending on the rains.
National Tree Planting Day, Somalia
Ministry of Livestock, Forestry & Range, Federal Government of Somalia, 11 - 17 April 2015, Somalia, Mogadishu
Description: Mogadishu - President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sh. Mohamud opened an event of national weekly planting trees in the capital Mogadishu. The occasion marked National Day of Planting on the 17th April. President Hassan planted a tree at Daljirka Dahson area where he delivered a speech on the importance of keeping plants and the environment.
International Children's Climate Change Conference, Uganda
Little Hands Go Green, 22 April 2015, Uganda, Kampala
Description: We have decided to plant 50 trees in several primary schools to highlight the need to protect and conserve our forests, in lead up to a children's climate conference.