Every year, a large number of events – from group hikes and outdoor activities, to exhibitions, cultural performances, contests and concerts – are organized across the world to celebrate International Mountain Day.
Whether you’re a business, NGO, journalist, government, city, civil society organization or individual, take advantage of this opportunity to call for action!
Plan an International Mountain Day event online or in person, or spread the word on your channels, and feature your event on our website by registering it using the submission form.
IMD around the world

Devrek Güneşi is a rural development cooperative whose members are all women. The cooperative has been working in Devrek (Zonguldak/Turkey) and the surrounding villages for about ten years. The cooperative, which processes and sells the...

Thirteenth International Mountain Day Celebration at Utah Valley University
06/12/2022 - 06/12/2022
Orem, Utah, United States of America
06/12/2022 - 06/12/2022
Orem, Utah, United States of America
Thirteenth International Mountain Day Celebration at Utah Valley University
On December 6th, 2022, Utah Valley University (UVU) observed International Mountain Day (IMD) for the thirteenth time, the only academic institution in North America to...
Semana de la Montaña: Laboratorio Natural Andes del Sur
05/12/2022 - 11/12/2022
Región de Los Ríos, Chile
05/12/2022 - 11/12/2022
Región de Los Ríos, Chile
La celebración de la semana de la montaña, busca crear conciencia acerca de la importancia de las montañas y

A Gift from Taiwan, Tabernacle Women's Choir
05/12/2022 - 12/12/2023
Taipei / Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan province of China
05/12/2022 - 12/12/2023
Taipei / Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan province of China
幕聲合唱團─我們有歌要唱,我們也有話要說 Tabernacle Women’s Choir–A song that must be sung, a voice that must be heard www.tabernacletaiwan.com 音樂人,也想為環境盡一份心力。臺灣幕聲女聲合唱團從2020年開始舉辦音樂會為環境發聲,今年,我們特別拍攝「帶著樹苗來」音樂錄影,一起響應國際山岳日年度主題: Women Move Mountains女人移山。在臺灣,有一群默默在山林工作的志工,他們帶著樹苗上山,為臺灣的森林,種下一片綠意。幕聲合唱團將歌聲獻給所有愛護山岳的人,祈禱這個世界更加美好。 We are musicians who strive to protect the environment....
In 2022, the United Nations General Assembly declared the year 2022 as the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development to increase awareness for the importance of sustainable mountain development, and the conservation and...

On the occasion of the Year of the Mountain 2022, the first edition ofCORTALP Mountain Short Film Festival Milan and the "Manlio Armellini" Contest and the "Manlio Armellini" Contest was born from the collaboration of...

Forest Walk to Mt. Migsalurayan: Indigenous Women Leading Conservation
30/11/2022 - 30/11/2022
Quezon, Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines , Philippines
30/11/2022 - 30/11/2022
Quezon, Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines , Philippines
Salumayag Youth Collective for Forests is an indigenous youth and women-led initiative that empowers local and indigenous communities through regenerative practices and narratives.
Guided forest walk is one of the capstone programs of Salumayag Youth where...
By the virtue of being a woman, she’ll do all the work. She’ll get up at the crack of dawn, before anyone else in the house, finish all the cooking and then send the kids...
The third Mountain Futures Conference will revolve around the core values and concepts of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity – "Ecological Civilization: Building a Community of Life on...

Mountain climate change during the past warmest age: results from recent ERL publication
22/11/2022 - 22/11/2022
22/11/2022 - 22/11/2022
A recent work on Mountain climate change during the past warmest climate has been published in Environmental Research Letters by IOP Publishing. A few results from it are highlighted on the occasion of this International...