Journée internationale de la montagne

Environmental Dialogue for the Springs of Paraíba River

12/12/2022 12/12/2022

Celebrating the International Mountain Day, December 11, the supporters, partners and directors of the Nascentes do Paraíba Expedition - 2022 invite you to participate in the Environmental Dialogue pro Nascentes do Paraíba.

Objectives of this dialogue:

✓ Gather partners and supporters participating in Expedition 2022;

✓ Build greater involvement of social movements and Basin Committees with the management of Springs located in Mountain Environments;

✓ Continue the processes initiated in the 2022 Expedition;

✓ Present the proposal for the Training Course for Water Resources Management, to promote actions, projects and programs for the restoration and preservation of springs, through Water Committees in Municipalities;

✓ Define the actions and work agenda for 2023 and the composition of the Board of Trustees of the Memorial da Nascente do Rio Paraíba do Sul.