International Mountain Day 2025
“Glaciers matter for water, food and livelihoods in mountains and beyond”
International Mountain Day 2025 is an opportunity to highlight the importance of glacier preservation for agriculture, water security and the livelihoods of vulnerable mountain communities.
Glaciers, vast reserves of ice and snow found across the planet, are far more than frozen landscapes - they are lifelines for ecosystems and communities. Yet, these critical components of the Earth's systems are undergoing rapid and alarming transformations with profound consequences for us all.
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation to raise awareness on the vital role glaciers, snow and ice play in the climate system and water cycle, as well as the far-reaching impacts of rapid glacial melt. It aims to promote global collaboration, strengthen scientific research, and promote policies and actions to protect glaciers and cryospheric systems.
Glaciers and ice sheets hold around 70 percent of the world's freshwater. Their accelerated melting represents not only an environmental crisis, but a humanitarian one, threatening agriculture, clean energy, water security and billions of peoples’ lives. Their retreat, driven by rising global temperatures, is a stark indicator of the climate crisis. Melting glaciers and thawing permafrost increase risks such as floods, glacier lake outburst floods, landslides or enhanced erosion and sediment, endangering downstream populations and critical infrastructure.
Economically, sectors like agriculture, hydropower, mountain tourism and transportation feel the strain of glacier changes. For many Indigenous Peoples, glaciers are sacred, and their disappearance signifies a loss of identity and connection to nature.
How to build awareness and action?
IMD 2025 is a contribution to the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025, supporting efforts to underscore the critical role mountain regions play as a key source of global freshwater and ecosystem services.
More than 2 billion people, including many Indigenous Peoples, rely on melt from glaciers and snow for their freshwater, including for their food security, livelihood, cultural and domestic needs. Immediate and collective action is needed to protect mountains and glaciers from the impacts of climate change.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions are critical for stabilizing the climate and preserving glaciers. Advancements in glacier data and monitoring can guide effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. Indigenous Peoples and youth can drive collective action and lead the way forward. National policies must address glacier-related challenges, from integrated water management to the establishment of protected areas and alert systems for cryospheric risks. Global cooperation is essential to mobilize resources, share knowledge and ensure glaciers are safeguarded for future generations.
As we dedicate IMD 2025 to glaciers, it is our shared responsibility to preserve these ancient ice formations, which are a crucial testimony of the Earth's history, the source of life for billions, and sacred places for many cultures.
While “Glaciers matter for water, food and livelihoods in mountains and beyond” is the proposed theme, countries, communities and organizations can celebrate IMD 2025 in ways that resonate most with their challenges and priorities choosing a different theme as appropriate.
What can you do?
- Stay tuned to the International Mountain Day website in the coming months for resources in all six UN languages that can be shared widely across your networks.
- Join the conversation on social media using the #MountainsMatter hashtag. Pass on key messages or take a photo of your favourite mountain and share it with us and your friends.
- Organize or participate in activities that celebrate mountains and glaciers, including virtual presentations and events, photo competitions, art exhibitions and hikes.
- Promote your planned event by officially registering it on our gallery of events happening around the world.