Sustainable Agrifood Systems Intelligence (SASI)

Agrifood systems concern the way our food is produced, processed, transported, traded, distributed, consumed and disposed of. Population growth, urbanization, shifting wealth and changing consumption patterns are straining these systems, jeopardizing their ability to provide healthy food and sustainable livelihoods.
Agrifood systems produce about one- third of global greenhouse gas emissions and consume large amounts of natural resources, especially water. They also contribute to critical biodiversity loss and land degradation, threatening the very existence of agriculture for future generations. All this underscores the urgent need to sustainably transform agrifood systems.
A concrete action plan was recently designed to strengthen the food value chain by better linking farmers to markets and enhancing capacities for food production and processing in Sierra Leone.
Connecting local food production with consumer demand is at the heart of Pillar 3 of Sierra Le...
“Do not be afraid to invest in consumers to help farmers.” That was the key message underlining the recent event organized by Agrinatura, the FAO Investment Centre and the European Union on the sidelines of the 52nd
A delegation from the Bhutanese Government led by H.E. Younten Phuntsho, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, visited Rome’s wholesales market (Centro Agroalimentare di Roma – CAR) on 16 October 2024 to learn about its organization and business model.
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Liberia and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and...
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Malawi and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and inclusive...
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Papua New Guinea and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable...
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Palestine and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and...
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Palestine and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and...
L’impératif – et le défi - pour les systèmes alimentaires n’est pas seulement de produire des aliments pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle,...
This Food Systems Profile provides a summary of the main food system issues in Nigeria and highlights potential solutions for their sustainable and...
Les systèmes alimentaires sont directement liés à la réalisation de l’ensemble des Objectifs du Développement Durable (ODD). L’impératif – et le défi...