27th Session of the IPC, 21 to 25 October 2024, Bordeaux, France
Theme “Poplars and other fast-growing trees for climate change mitigation and adaptation - Pathways to climate resilience and carbon neutral societies"
The 27th Session of the International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment (IPC27), "Poplars and other fast-growing trees for climate change mitigation and adaptation - Pathways to climate resilience and carbon neutral societies", will be held on 21 – 25 October 2024, at the Palais des congrès, in Bordeaux, France.
The IPC27 provisional programme includes a Pre-Session Study Tour in France on 17 – 20 October 2024, and a Post-Session Study Tour in Italy on 27 – 29 October 2024.
IPC National Commissions are invited to send the names and affiliations of their representatives to the Session, and representatives’ alternates, to [email protected]. The Session will be convened under the provisions of Article XIV of the FAO Constitution and will be open to all Members of the Commission and also to observers.
Election of the Executive Committee
IPC Members are informed that the election of the Executive Committee will take place in presence at Palais de Congres in Bordeaux. Delegates officially designated to cast the votes on behalf of their Member delegations will be expected to be at Palais de Congrés in the morning of Monday, 21th October.
For information on the election process, please read the briefing Note.