Commission internationale du peuplier et autres arbres à croissance rapide utiles aux personnes et à l'environnement

Poplar and Willow News

The newsletter of the International Commission on Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees Sustaining People and the Environment (IPC) provides information on international conferences hosted by the National Poplar Commissions of member countries, as well as other events of interest related to the production of and research in poplar, willow, and other fast-growing tree species.

The bulletin also informs and reviews the main activities of the IPC and other organizations and circulates a selection of publications, including papers, abstracts, books and new reference work to the community working on Salicaceae. We invite you to participate by submitting your articles, papers, research reports, interviews and other materials. Please send contributions to [email protected].

Past Issues: Poplar and Willow News

Issue 11, August 2021

Issue 10, June 2019

Issue 9, October 2018

Issue 8, February 2018 

Issue 7, March 2017

Issue 6, February 2016

Issue 5, July 2015

Issue 4, December 2014 

Issue 3, August 2014 

Issue 2, November 2013

Issue 1, June 2013