Sustainable Fishing and IUU Fishing: A SIDS Perspective

Prof. Manuel Barange, Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Dr Matthew Camilleri, Leader, Fisheries Global and Regional Processes Team within the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division of FAO are participating in a webinar entitled Sustainable Fishing and IUU Fishing: A SIDS Perspective, organized by the Government of Malta.
The webinar will be held online at 15.00h CEST / 9.00h EDT. Registration for the webinar can be done at this link.
The below is the provisional agenda to the webinar:
Moderator: Mr Patrick Mifsud, First Counsellor, Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade (Malta)
• Hon. Ian Borg, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade (Malta)
• Prof. Manuel Barange, Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
Moderator: Mr Patrick Mifsud
Moderator: Mr Patrick Mifsud
• Dr Ian Ralby, President, Auxilium Worldwide
• Mr Peter A Murray, Advisor, Fisheries Management & Development, Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism
• Dr Matthew Camilleri, Senior Fisheries Officer & Leader, Global and Regional Processes (Fisheries), FAO
• Indian Ocean representative (TBC)
• Pacific Ocean representative (TBC)
• Ms Carmen Mifsud, Senior Officer Compliance & Enforcement, Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) Malta.
Moderator: Mr Patrick Mifsud
• Tweet-style remarks by Panel Members
• Mr Isaia Lautasi, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Samoa to the UN