Pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada (pesca INDNR)
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Second edition of the Questionnaire for PSMA Parties released

©FAO/Ernesto Benavides

A web-based questionnaire for Parties to the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA) to review and assess the level of implementation and the effectiveness of the Agreement in fighting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, has now been released in all six FAO official languages and is now available to Parties here.

At their First Meeting in May 2017, Parties had agreed that a specific questionnaire would be created and carried out every four years to monitor the implementation of the Agreement and to identify challenges encountered.  

The first edition was carried out in 2021, and its outcomes were discussed at the Third Meeting of the Parties that same year, as part of the objectives of the review meeting.

The questionnaire released today is the second edition of the Parties’ questionnaire, which includes additional quantitative questions agreed by the Parties at their Fourth Meeting held in May 2023, together with an additional questionnaire  for Regional Fisheries Bodies (RFBs) and other international organizations, which will be released shortly.

The results of both questionnaires will then be discussed at the Fifth Meeting of the Parties, the second review meeting, which will be held in Ecuador 5-9 May 2024.

For any assistance or requests related to the PSMA questionnaires’ access or use, please contact the PSMA Secretariat at [email protected].