Nandi County Launches AMR Policy and Workplan

Nandi County marked a great milestone in Kenya’s fight against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) during a two-day field event that brought together farmers, the public, experts and national and county governments. The event was organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) -Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) and the Heifer International. This was part of the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) 2024 celebrations, under the global theme, “Educate, Advocate, Act Now.”
On the first day over 100 farmers gathered at Lelchego Dairies, one of the producer organizations in Nandi County where Heifer International is implementing interventions to enhance on-farm biosecurity through the TRANSFORM project. The day focused on educating farmers about the dangers of AMR and the importance of responsible antimicrobial use in safeguarding human, animal, and environmental health. Facilitators emphasized how improper use of antibiotics could threaten not only livestock health but also human health and food security.
The presentations were followed by interactive sessions during which farmers shared their challenges.
“Sometimes we use what we think works because it’s faster than waiting for a vet. Now I see how dangerous that is for all of us,” one farmer reported.
The discussions also touched on human health, with farmers acknowledging habits like stopping medicine early, sharing medicines, or using leftover antibiotics. The ease of purchasing antibiotics over the counter without professional guidance was a recurring concern. Farmers recognized the impact of improper disposal of medicines.
One participant noted.
“We’ve sometimes thrown expired drugs into the soil or even rivers without thinking about the consequences. It’s alarming to learn that this can create resistant bacteria that affect all of us.”
The County Antimicrobial Stewardship Interagency Committee (CASIC) workplan for Nandi County was launched on the second day at Kapsebet. The work plan will guide AMR interventions in the county. The event, attended by the Nandi County Governor and for the first time in the county brought together stakeholders from the human, animal, and environmental sectors, underscored the importance of a collaborative approach to address AMR.
In his speech, the Governor highlighted key challenges driving AMR in Nandi County, including over-the-counter self-prescriptions, lack of awareness about the role of professionals, and the rise of unqualified practitioners due to weak medical supply systems.
In his address the Governor acknowledged the importance of professional guidance in antimicrobial use and the dangers of ignoring it.
“One of the biggest challenges we face is over-the-counter self-prescription. People prescribe medicine for themselves and their animals without consulting a professional, which is dangerous for all of us.” He said.
Dr. Ruth Omani, the National AMR Specialist from FAO applauded the County for the development and launch of the CASIC and accompanying work plan. She emphasized that the presence of senior county leadership was a demonstration of Nandi’s commitment to mitigating AMR.
Dr Emmanuel Tanui, the government's National AMR Focal Point and the representative of the National Antimicrobial Stewardship Interagency Committee lauded the collaborative approach reflected in the CASIC framework. He noted that inclusivity across human, animal, and environmental sectors was vital to sustainable AMR mitigation.
Fredrick Ojigo, the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer from Heifer International, emphasized the critical role of evidence-based approaches in AMR mitigation. “Continuous monitoring and evaluation of AMR interventions would be key to ensuring their effectiveness. Data and evidence are essential for scaling up impactful interventions and improving biosecurity practices across all sectors.” He noted.
The event, the development and launch of the CASIC work plan was done with funding from USAID.
For more information Contact
Joseph Othieno
FAO Kenya Communication Specialists
Ruth Omani
FAO Kenya National AMR Specialist