Rome Water Dialogue 2024: Innovative Approaches to Agricultural Water Management
Water scarcity is one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century and the agriculture sector both contributes to the causes and suffers from the effects. In addition to water scarcity, droughts are a major cause of crop failures in many areas of the world and the source of acute food shortages in vulnerable countries.
With the world population reaching around 10 billion in 2050, we will need to produce 50% more agrifood products than in 2012, which will require at least 20% more water (SOLAW, 2021). The changing rainfall patterns and warming climate put at risk the food security and the livelihoods of farmers and people worldwide.
In response to the above challenges, innovative approaches can help to use water in agriculture more efficiently and increase water productivity. FAO is strongly advocating for integrated management of water, soil and land resources.
The first edition of the Rome Water Dialogue in November 2022 and the second edition in October 2023, hosted by FAO, provided a milestone on such an integrated approach and holistic actions towards the 2030 Agenda and launched the new FAO Water Journey.
At its 43rd Session, FAO Conference approved the Biennial theme 2024-25 - Water resources management for the four betters: better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, to achieve the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development”, highlighting the crucial importance of water to achieve all SDGs and FAO’s organizational commitments towards a food and water secure world.
The third edition of the Rome Water Dialogue will be part of the 2024 World Food Forum from 14 to 18 October 2024, and the session on Innovative Approaches to Agricultural Water Management will be part of the Science and Innovation Forum of the World Food Forum.
Innovative approaches in Integrated Water Resources Management do not exclusively include technological innovation. Innovations can also refer to socio economic and institutional aspects of water management. During this session, both technological and socio-economic innovative approaches regarding water management and governance will be discussed.
11:00 - 11:10 CEST Opening remarks
- Lifeng LI, Director, FAO Land and Water Division.
11:10 - 11:40 CEST Water Dialogue
- Robina Wahaj, Land and Water Officer, FAO Pakistan.
- Livia Peiser, Senior Land and Water Officer, FAO Land and Water Division.
- Benjamin Kiersch, Senior Water Tenure Consultant, FAO Land and Water Division.
- Alsaad Ndiyazeye, River Flood Control Specialist, Rwanda Water Resources Board.
11:40 - 11:50 CEST Q&A
11:50 - 12:10 CEST High-level Water Dialogue
- Her Excellency Meike van Ginneken, Special Envoy for Water, The Netherlands.
- Mr Omar Chafki, Director, River Basin Agency of Bouregreg and Chaouia, Morocco.
- Mr Amir Mohyuddin, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of National Food Security & Research, Pakista.
12:10 - 12:20 CEST Report Out
12:20 - 12:30 CEST Closing & next steps
- Lifeng LI, Director, FAO Land and Water Division.
Moderator: Dan Newman, Matter.