Land & Water

The call for applications to support national multi-stakeholder consultations on land tenure for land restoration has been extended until 15 August 2023!

The framework of the FAO-UNCCD joint initiative on “Integrating tenure security into land restoration initiatives”, gives the opportunity to all countries to apply for receiving support for national multi-stakeholder consultations on land tenure for land restoration, to, among others:

  • convene a national dialogue and establish a multistakeholder platform to explore the ways and means to strengthen tenure rights and land governance.
  • formulate and implement a national strategy and action plan to strengthen tenure security, particularly for stakeholder groups in vulnerable situations.
  • integrate the principles and practices in the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries, and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) into national land restoration initiatives that aim to deliver multiple benefits to society, including the advancement of multiple SDGs.
  • support the design and implementation of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) and land restoration initiatives at sub-national and local levels where enhanced tenure security can be both a means and outcome.

All countries are entitled to apply for this technical support via the UNCCD national focal point and the respective ministry in either a convening or supporting role, until 15 Auguat 2023. All submissions will be reviewed by the FAO-UNCCD and its technical partner organizations.

Those countries selected to receive support are expected to be notified by September 2023, with national consultations to be held starting in late 2023. Subject to the availability of resources, support for national consultations will be jointly defined with the selected country. Further details on the submission process and PDF application form are available HERE.

For more background information on the relevant COP decisions and the work of the UNCCD-FAO joint initiative, please consult the presentations and videos of the regional webinars held 15-17 May 2023 HERE.