FAO releases key SDG 6.4 Progress Reports at the International Soil and Water Forum in Bangkok

FAO has unveiled two critical progress reports on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators – 6.4.1 “Change in water-use efficiency” and 6.4.2 “Level of water stress”, for which FAO is the custodian agency. Both indicators are critical for agricultural productivity and resilience, as well as for food security, ecosystem balance, and enhanced climate resilience.
Approximately 10 percent of the global population lived in countries with high and critical water stress levels in 2021. Opening the Forum, FAO Director-General said it was vital to speed up concrete actions on the ground if the 2030 SDG targets are to be met. He emphasized the overwhelming importance of data, the need to focus on the availability and affordability of water as well as food, taking a holistic approach with decisive leadership.
- Progress on change in water-use efficiency – Mid-term status of SDG Indicator 6.4.1 and acceleration needs, with special focus on food security and climate change
This report presents the latest monitoring results of the SDG Indicator 6.4.1, focusing on the change in water-use efficiency over time. Monitoring this indicator assesses the economy’s ability to grow sustainably without overexploiting its water resources. The report shows trends in water use efficiency at global, regional and national levels, offering insights into the progress achieved and providing recommendations to accelerate efforts towards the sustainable use of water resources.
Download the report here: https://doi.org/10.4060/cd2023en
- Progress on the level of water stress – Mid-term status of SDG Indicator 6.4.2 and acceleration needs, with special focus on food security
This report provides an updated analysis of the progress of SDG Indicator 6.4.2, which monitors water stress levels globally. It examines trends in the pressure on renewable freshwater resources from the economic sectors at a global, regional and national level. The report highlights the challenges faced by regions where water stress levels are critical, particularly in terms of food security. Additionally, the report presents case studies that demonstrate the relevance of the disaggregation of the indicator at water basin level, providing more nuanced understanding of local variations and specific challenges.
Download the report here: https://doi.org/10.4060/cd2179en