Terres et eaux


FAO Adaptation Fund Technical Webinar
In the face of climate change, improving the sustainable management of groundwater, thanks to better understanding and continuous monitoring, is more than ever needed. Measuring changes and observing the ongoing dynamics of groundwater resources represent not only an effective strategy to respond to the increasing scarcity of resources, but also [...]
Webinar: Scaling Resilient Water and Agriculture Management Practices for Sustainable Rice Intensification in East Africa
Achieving food security remains a major challenge in the East Africa region. With increasing demand for food due to population growth and improvements in disposable income, the situation is expected to remain critical as the impact of climate change and unsustainable land and water management practices become more profound. The [...]
Water and Environment: Second expert workshop on environmental flows
The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is an ambitious plan of action for “people, planet and prosperity”, and so is the dedicated goal on water and sanitation (SDG 6), which plays a key role in realizing the Agenda. A set of global indicators has been developed by UN Member States [...]
WWWeek At Home 2020: “Evading Food and Water Crises in the COVID Era”
The catastrophe caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted human wellbeing and particularly vulnerable populations at local, regional and internationally-connected scales. A new report by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) suggest that at least 27 countries are facing a COVID-19-driven food [...]
WWWeek At Home 2020: “Sustainable Oases Initiative”
Oases ecosystems provide important economic, ecological, social and cultural goods and services. They are also the last line of defense against desertification. But various factors, including climate change, threaten their survival. Oases ecosystems are among the most affected ecosystems by climate change, which has resulted in a degradation of their [...]
WWWeek At Home 2020: “Tenure Approaches for Securing Rights and Advancing Climate Resilience”
Secure and equitable frameworks governing water tenure—relationships between water users at all levels—are a fundamental component of sustainable and climate-resilient water management. This event will showcase efforts by FAO, RRI, and ELI to define and assess water tenure around the world, drawing on country-level experiences. Water tenure—relationships between individuals, communities, [...]
WWWeek At Home 2020: “Freshwater for Food and Nutrition Security in SIDS”
The remotely located Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face a raft of challenges to sustain their Food Security. SIDS fragilities come to the fore during the Covid-19 pandemic when transport lines are blocked, tourist revenues drop to nil and expected remittances are delayed. Islands’ resilience is tested in the coming [...]
Webinar: Youth Innovation in Land
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The engagement of youth and young professionals plays a key role achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Today's youth are more geographically mobile and technologically connected than any other generation. Moreover, they hold a capital of innovative and scalable solutions and ideas that are often overlooked. In the context of [...]
Webinar: “Water Productivity Improvements – A Silver Bullet for the Climate Crisis?”
This webinar was organized by leading institutions on sustainable agricultural water use, including the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), the World Bank, the African Union, Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the WASAG [...]
Webinar: “Pandemics/Epidemics
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This webinar presented the pathways through which drought vulnerable groups have been hit by COVID-19 and left behind during the lockdown. It raised the point that they must not also be left out of the global green recovery. It highlihgted the options and policy recommendations for an inclusive green recovery, [...]