
Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire 10/04/2022 - 17/04/2022
Under the supervision of the FAO Development Law Service of the Legal Office (LEGN), the project is currently undertaking in Côte d'Ivoire an assessment of the legal and regulatory framework. A main objective of this mission is to engage with...

01/04/2022 - 01/04/2022
A one day steering committee took place virtually, to discuss the activities of the project. Under Focus Area 2 (Assessment of forest and land-related laws, policies and strategies at the sub-regional level towards the development of effective decentralized governance instruments”, seven...

22/02/2022 - 24/02/2022
Today the Expert Group Meeting convened for the development of a Legislative Guide on combatting crimes in the fisheries sector, intended to support States in enacting or strengthening domestic legislation to prevent and combat these illicit activities, which can represent...

Malindi, Kilifi County, Kenya 21/02/2022 - 25/02/2022
This workshop is based on the 2009 FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, and complementary international instruments and it aims at strengthen governance of the Fisheries Resources of Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and Eritrea during...

02/12/2021 - 02/12/2021
On December 2, 2021, the FAO Development Law Service (LEGN), FAO Chile and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), together as part of the United Nations System in Chile, organized a webinar on the Right to...