The Responsible governance for tenure and the law is now available as e-book from the following platforms:
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In this issue:
Complexity in international cooperation; the Codex example.
The FAO Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters.
Legislating for sustainable food systems and optimal nutrition.
“Threatened” or “Endangered”: Quandary of Legal Terminology.
The legislative gap in climate change and agriculture: FAO is taking steps...
In this issue:
Food safety in schools: Is this sufficiently regulated?
Les signes de qualité liée à l’origine géographique: un atout croissant pour les agriculteurs des pays du Sud.
AMR and the environment.
The importance of legal and regulatory frameworks in ensuring sustainable forest...
In this issue:
The sustainable exploitation of wildlife
Magistrates: major actors in enforcing fisheries law
Agriculture and sustainability: Discussions at the IBA Annual Conference
Review of Chile's General Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture
Side events at the Committee on World Food Security
Regulatory responses to biological...
In this issue:
Integrating human rights into sectoral legislation
International labour standards and rural employment
Antimicrobial resistance: the role of FAO and LEGN
Combating IUU fishing through the Port States Measures Agreement
LEGN briefings for FAO decentralized offices in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean