Welcome to the David Lubin Memorial Library




MYUPL - Malaysia
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, Animal husbandry, Fisheries, Forestry
No. of Monographs: 
670,000 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
92,300 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Mr. Mohamad Jefri Mohamed Fauzi

Library WebOPAC can either be accessed via homepage www.lib.upm.edu.my or
http://webopac.upm.edu.my:8000/    Subject coverage: Agriculture, fisheries,
forestry, animal husbandry, medicine, veterinary sciences, biomedicine, engineering, education, physical education, social sciences, human ecology, management sciences, computer science as well as basic disciplines

CIMMYT - Mexico
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
"CIMMYT" Library
Km. 45, Carretera México-Veracruz
A.P. 6-641 06600
El Batán, Texcoco Edo. de México Mexico
from Mexico City +52 (55) 5804 2004, or from Texcoco +52 (595) 952 1900, or via the USA +1 (650) 833 6655
52 (55) 58 04 75 58/59
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general
Special Collections: 
Norman Borlaug collection
No. of Monographs: 
44,700 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
600 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Jose Juan Caballero Flores

CIMMYT library offers a range of information services primarily to CIMMYT staff, including visiting scientists and students who participate in collaborative projects with the Center, but also to external users. The access to electronic journals and some databases are restricted to CIMMYT staff only.

The library's bibliographic collection of over 44,000 titles includes monographs, journals, annual reports, theses, reprints, staff publications, CIMMYT publications, microfiches, videocassettes, maps and CD ROM databases.

Institutions with which the CIMMYT library has an interlibrary loan agreement have the right to loan books, documents, and other bibliographic materials, held in our Collection for one week. We do not loan directly to individuals.


MOZPESCA - Mozambique
Ministério do Mar, Águas Interiores e Pescas
Biblioteca do Ministério do Mar, Águas Interiores e Pescas
Rua Marquês de Pombal nº 285
Maputo Mozambique
(+258) 21357100 / 823074150/ 823073530
(+258) 21325087
Subject Coverage: 
Aglinet officer: 
Albertina Leuane

The Ministry of Fisheries of Mozambique assists the Government in defining the principles, objectives, policies and plans activities for the management of fishery resources, fishing activity and related services to the child and fishing equipment, ensuring its execution.

The library holds collections related to law of the sea, statistics and fisheries management among others.

NLWAG - Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Wageningen University
Wageningen University & Research, Library
P.O. Box 9100
Wageningen HA Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
6700 HA Wageningen
+31 317 486666/482250
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, All aspects of agriculture, Food technology, Forestry
Special Collections: 
Pre-1850 literature on agriculture, botany, etc.; documentation and designs in the field of garden history.
No. of Monographs: 
550,000 vols. (60,000 electronic available)
No. of Current Serials: 
14,000 titles (11,000 titles e-only, 2000 titles in print, 1000 titles print and online)
Aglinet officer: 
Mr. Ger Spikman

Subject coverage:

Agriculture, Plant and Animal Sciences, Agrotechnology, Food Sciences, Nature and Environment

The Wageningen UR Digital Library provides access to the collections of Wageningen UR Library, both electronic and in print. Subjects covered in these collections include Agrotechnology, Food and Food Production, Plant and Animal Sciences, Soil Science, Geo-information, Landscape and Spatial Planning, Water and Climate, Ecosystem Studies, Economics and Society. This web site offers access to the major sources of scientific information in these areas.

The Special Collections of Wageningen UR Library consist of:

collections of rare and old books and journals,

old and modern maps and atlases,

nursery catalogues,

the collection TUIN, (Garden and Landscape Architecture in the Netherlands),

aerial photographs,

brochures on agricultural machinery,

botanical and zoological illustrations, prints and photographical images.

The main subjects are agriculture, horticulture, ornamental plants, botany, forestry, livestock farming, land use and garden and landscape architecture.

Some of the most valuable items include herbals, botanical and horticultural books from the 17th, 18th and 19th century, land reclamation and soil maps, garden designs and tulipomania publications.

There are alo modern reference works, bibliographies and facsimiles regarding special collections on life sciences in general.


UBMB - Norway
Norwegian University
Library of Life Sciences
Chr. M. Falsens vei 18, Tårnbygningen
Postboks 5003
As Norway
47-64 96 55 00
47-64 96 55 01
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, All aspects of agriculture, Animal husbandry, Animal science
No. of Monographs: 
70,000 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
3,500 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Ms. Sidsel Kolflaath

The Norwegian University Library of Life Sciences (UBMB) offers documentary- and lending services to staff and students at UMB.

Universitetsbiblioteket for miljø- og biovitenskap (UBMB) yter tjenester primært til forskere og studenter ved UMB.

Agriculture, veterinary, medicine, environment, food and nutrition, biology and life sciences. Landbruk, veterinærfag, medisin, miljø, ernæring, biologi og naturvitenskap

PHIRR - Philippines
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
International Rice Research Institute Library
DAPO Box 7777
Metro Manila Philippines
+63(2) 580-5600 ext. 2768
+63(2) 580-5699
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general
No. of Monographs: 
120,000 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
3,000 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Lea Delos Reyes

Rice and rice-related subjects.

Documents are delivered either conventionally (photocopies sent via snail mail) or in electronic format as e-mail attachments. Payment may be made in the form of a check payable to the IRRI Library and Documentation Service.

PHUPL - Philippines
University of Philippines at Los Baños
Main Library
4031 College, Laguna
Los Baños Philippines
+63 (0) 49-5362235
+63 (0) 49-5362326
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, Food technology, Forestry
No. of Monographs: 
341,005 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
326 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Ms. Concepcion DL. Saul

Agriculture, Forestry, Food & nutrition and related fields

POCBR - Poland
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Economy
The Central Agricultural Library (CBR) of Michał Oczapowski
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 66
P.O. Box 360
Warszawa Poland
00 950
(+48 22) 826 6041
(+48 22) 826 0157
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, All aspects of agriculture
Special Collections: 
FAO Publication Series, Bulletins of U.S. and Canadian experimental stations, typescripts, standards
No. of Monographs: 
232,608 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
1,032 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Mrs. Jadwiga Ratus

CBR is a scientific library subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It has two branches in Pulawy and Bydgoszcz. CBR collections - thematically restricted to agriculture, food processing industry and related sciences - numbers about 417,000 volumes of publications, including 235,000 books, 139,000 journals and 42,000 special collections. CBR has 838 titles of current periodicals.
The library also conducts a lively international exchange with 135 institutions in forty-five countries, additionally enriching its collections. The collections of old prints (798 volumes) and FAO publications have been separated from the main collection.

CBR is a deposit library of FAO publications and Poland's only institution storing all the FAO publications, both traditional and electronic ones.

PTISA - Portugal
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Tapada da Ajuda
Lisboa Codex Portugal
351 213653501
351 213653503
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, All aspects of agriculture, Forestry
Special Collections: 
Reports; dissertations; theses; maps; collection of leaflets on entomology; serials collection related to the former overseas territories (Angola, Mozambique, etc.)
No. of Monographs: 
47,450 titles
No. of Current Serials: 
750 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Ms Margarida Galamba

Monografias (geral), monografias reservadas, relatórios de licenciatura, dissertações de mestrado, provas de aptidão pedagógica, teses de doutoramento, aulas de agregação, periódicos (ed. impressa e electrónica), material audio-visual e mapas.

A Biblioteca do Instituto Superior de Agronomia - BISA - desde a sua fundação, em 1853, no quadro da criação do Instituto Superior Agrícola e da Escola Regional de Lisboa, até aos nossos dias, tem acompanhado o ensino e a investigação, na área das Ciências Agronómicas, em Portugal.

Em 1855, com a integração do ensino veterinário ao Instituto Agrícola, incorporou o acervo relacionado com a Medicina Veterinária. Em 1911, com a reforma do ensino agronómico, a Biblioteca cindiu-se em duas, consequência da criação do Instituto Superior de Agronomia e da Escola Superior de Medicina Veterinária, ficando cada uma com a Informação Científica e Técnica inerente aos respectivos currículos.

Em 1917, o Instituto Superior de Agronomia, até então instalado no Palácio da Cruz do Taboado, mudou-se para um novo edifício, na Tapada da Ajuda, sendo atribuído à Biblioteca o seu corpo central, onde permaneceu até Novembro de 2000, data em que se tranferiu para o actual edifício, programado e construído para seu uso exclusivo.

Nas actuais instalações, a BISA distribui-se por três pisos. No piso um, funcionam a direcção, a secretaria, o bar e sala de estudo "Artur Castilho". Ainda neste piso existem três depósitos destinados a livros, reservados e revistas. No piso dois, localizam-se o serviço de informação, o auto-empréstimo, a sala de leitura com acesso livre às estantes, onde se expoêm livros e revistas editados após 1970, exposição permanente de revistas, exposição das últimas monografias adquiridas e o serviço de fotocópias. No piso três estão instalados o gabinete de cartografia, o gabinete de audio-visuais, o gabinete de docentes e investigadores, sala de exposições temporárias, por vezes sala de aula de pós-graduações e gabinete técnico, onde trabalham oito funcionários. Há ainda um terraço panorâmico virado para a baixa de Alcântara, Tejo e sua margem esquerda.

Em grande parte desta cronologia, a BISA colocou-se como única especializada em Ciências Agronómicas, na área do ensino, em Portugal. Esta circunstância permitiu-lhe reunir e deter um vasto, único e rico património bibliográfico - alguns títulos remontam ao séc. XVII. Este património mais se tem valorizado após a publicação dos "Anais do Instituto Superior de Agronomia", a partir de 1920, cuja permuta, com expressão universal, tem contribuido para a aquisição de um significativo acervo de publicações estrangeiras, sobretudo periódicas, especializadas nas áreas técnico-científicas que envolvem as múltiplas actividades do Instituto Superior de Agronomia.

Outras informações úteis poderão ser encontradas ao longo dos vários capítulos deste "site".



KSSNU - Republic of Korea
Seoul National University College of Agriculture and Life Science
Agricultural Library and Research Information Center
103 Seo Dun-Dong
Suwon Republic of Korea
+82 2 880 4774
+82 2 884 0182
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, All aspects of agriculture, Animal husbandry, Animal science, Food technology, Forestry
Special Collections: 
USDA's papers; FAO's books and serials; Korean old agricultural literatures; Korean doctoral degree theses.
No. of Monographs: 
200,000 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
1,300 titles (included 700 titles of international journals and 350 titles electronic journals)
Aglinet officer: 
Mr. Chong-Eun Kim

All aspects of agriculture, forestry, biotechnology, genetic, food technology, veterinary, animal husbandry, etc

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