Welcome to the David Lubin Memorial Library


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- Republic of Moldova
Technical University of Moldova
Agrarian Scientific Library
11 Studentilor Street
Chisinau Republic of Moldova
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, Animal husbandry, Animal science, Rural economy
Special Collections: 
FAO Depositary Library, dissertations, rare books.
No. of Monographs: 
300,795 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
320 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Mrs. Ecaterina Madan

All aspects of Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry, Engineering, Economics, Biotechnology.



NICAR - Russian Federation
National Institute of Carpology (Gaertnerian Institution)
Fundamental Botanical Library
21 - 167 Konenkowa Street
Moscow Russian Federation
+7 (499) 207 4562
+7 (499) 207 4562
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general
Special Collections: 
Botany library of the Russian Empire, former USSR and Russian Federation (obligatory deposity copy of each printed book and journal.
No. of Monographs: 
No. of Current Serials: 
734 titles; 250,000 bound volumes
Aglinet officer: 
Anna Pavlova, ILL & Reference Librarian

Subject coverage includes primary botanical and general biological literature (natural history) literature from 1710 and agricultural literature from the 19th and 20th centuries.

RUAAS - Russian Federation
Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Central Scientific Agricultural Library
107139, Orlykov bystreet, 3B
Moscow Russian Federation
+7(495) 975-49-90 ext. 135 or +7(495) 926-77-19 ext. 118
(095) 207 89 72
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, Food technology
Special Collections: 
Rare books 10,500 vols.
No. of Monographs: 
1,773,000 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
about 5,400 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Ms. Vera Finogenova


The Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences is one of the largest agricultural libraries of the world and exercises the functions of the branch National food and agricultural library. The CSAL is a Depositary Library of publications of the FAO UN (Food and Agriculture Organization оf the United Nations). The CSAL collection is over 3 mln. stock units of information sources on agriculture, forestry, food industry and food resources, environment protection in agribusiness and related disciplines. The information is provided as domestic and foreign books, journals, newspapers, serials, CD-ROM, videomaterials etc., and also through access to a range of databases, both of foreign and own generation.


The Central Scientific Agricultural Library has a status format of a State Scientific Institution with the functions of:

State depository center of agricultural domestic and foreign literature;

Federal center of agricultural bibliography;

Scientific and methodical center of a net of agricultural libraries of the RF;

International center of agricultural document exchange for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).


Государственное научное учреждение Центральная научная сельскохозяйственная библиотека Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук (ГНУ ЦНСХБ Россельхозакадемии) - одна из крупнейших сельскохозяйственных библиотек мира, выполняющая функции отраслевой национальной библиотеки России по сельскому хозяйству и продовольствию.

ЦНСХБ - библиотека-депозитарий ФАО (Международная организация по сельскому хозяйству и продовольствию) ООН - Food and Agriculture Organization оf the United Nations (FAO), центр AGRIS России


SPREP - Samoa
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
SPREP Library & Information Resource Centre – IRC
P.O. Box 240
Apia Samoa
+685 21929
+685 20231
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, Fisheries
Special Collections: 
Nature conservation, biodiversity and ecosystems, climate change adaptation
No. of Monographs: 
Aglinet officer: 
Ms. Miraneta Williams-Hazelman

Pacific Environment Information Network [PEIN] is the Virtual Library of the IRC.

ILL for Sprep Publications and SPREP publications are also available for free downloading.


Pacific Regional Environment Programme (PEIN) on Facebook


PEIN & SPREP Library Resources


PEIN Virtual Enviroment Libraries


SPREP Annual Report 2010 (Eng), (Fre)



Agroinštitút Nitra - Slovakia
Agroinštitút Nitra, State Enterprise
Akademická ul. č. 4
Nitra Slovakia
SK - 949 01
++421 37 7910 111
++421 37 7910 132 37 7910 132
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, All aspects of agriculture, Food technology, Forestry
Special Collections: 
FAO Depository Library; EU Agricultural Library; (agricultural databases on CD-ROM CELEX, EUROFARM, EUROSTAT, OECD, OJCD, SCAD-CD); Agricultural databases on CD-ROM (AGRIS, CAB, AGRICOLA, AGRISEARCH, FSTA), Research reports.
No. of Monographs: 
155,000 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
420 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Ms. Maria Debreceniova


The main activities are:

Slovak Resource Centre of international information systems for agricultural science and technology – AGRIS and CARIS FAO

FAO Depository Library – acquisition, processing and preservation of FAO publications, on-line access to FAO information resources

EU Information Centre – information on EU common agricultural policy and rural development, publishing of "Svetové pôdohospodárstvo" (”World Agriculture”)

Activities of special agricultural library, development of sectoral cumulative catalogue – AGROKATALÓG

Publishing and editorial activities, printing services

Information transfer by means of information tools in internet

Creation, maintenance and updating of institutional web sites within the agricultural sector (Slovak Ministry of Agriculture – www.land.gov.sk, Agricultural Paying Agency – www.apa.sk, Slovak Chamber of Agriculture and Food – www.sppk.sk...)

Design and creation of multimedia applications (CD ROM, DVD...)

Preparation and printing of posters and technical layouts

Design and projection of graphics (DTP), printing of colour publications, manuals and leaflets


monografie, správy, štúdie, štatistické prehľady, periodiká, legislatívne dokumenty, CD ROM a ďalšie dokumenty v anglickom jazyku sprístupňované v študovni Depozitnej knižnice FAO formou prezenčných výpožičiek

Virtuálna knižnica FAO - FAO Virtual Library



Centrum celoživotného vzdelávania sa spolupodieľa na príprave ľudských zdrojov na vidieku tak, aby bolo pripravené na výzvy, ktoré prináša informačná a znalostná spoločnosť, globálna ekonomika, nutnosť trvaloudržateľného rozvoja vidieka a členstvo v EÚ.

Zameriava svoje vzdelávanie a projektové aktivity predovšetkým na tieto oblasti:

agrárna politika a legislatíva SR a EÚ

podpora rozvoja vidieka v súlade s ochranou životného prostredia

výroba, ochrana a bezpečnosť potravín

transfer nových výrobných technológií a techniky do pôdohospodárskej praxe

SLOBF - Slovenia
Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Centralna biotehniška knjižnica
Jamnikarjeva 101
Ljubljana Slovenia
386 1 302 3043
+386 1 256 5782
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, All aspects of agriculture, Animal science, Forestry
Special Collections: 
Slovenian agricultural doctoral theses, Slovenian agricultural Master of Science theses, Slovenian agricultural grey literature, agricultural research reports, all of the Slovene AGRIS input documents, agriculture-related CD-ROM databases, Slovenian legislation official journal.
No. of Monographs: 
over 300,000 units of library holdings (the numbers apply also to department libraries)
No. of Current Serials: 
1,205 titles (the numbers apply also to department libraries)
Aglinet officer: 
Simona Juvan, M. Sc., Head of Library

The Central Biotechnical Library co-ordinates six department libraries of the Biotechnical Faculty:
Agronomy department Library
Biology department library
Food Science and Technology department library
Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources department library
Wood Science and Technology department library
Zootechnical department library

ESINA - Spain
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)
Biblioteca Central
Apdo. 8.111
Cra de la Coruña Km. 7.500
Madrid Spain
34 91 347 1496
34 913473938
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, All aspects of agriculture
No. of Monographs: 
36,746 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
5,076 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Ms. Ana Gil Aizpuru

Con más de 30.000 volúmenes de libros, cinco mil títulos de revistas fondo, de las que mil cuatrocientos están recibiéndose en la actualidad y numerosas Bases de Datos específicas, las BIBLIOTECAS INIA se conforman como la primera fuente de información científica agraria del país.

En el Catálogo de fondos, puede realizar búsquedas documentales al Catálogo General o por el contrario hacer consultas por separado a las Publicaciones INIA, Fondo de Revistas, o Fondo de Monografías.

Los documentos de su interés sólo pueden obtenerse con fines de estudio o investigación.

IWMI - Sri Lanka
International Water Management Institute
Electronic Library & Resource Centre
P O Box 2075
127, Sunil Mawatha, Pelawatte, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Colombo Sri Lanka
+94 11 2880167 (direct), 2880000 ext. 3220
+94-11 2786854
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general
Special Collections: 
1. Grey literature collection on water management. 2. Slides, CD roms and atlases/maps on water management. 3. IWMI publications 4. Online databases - Water resources Abstracts; Water Resources Worldwide; CAB Direct; FAOSTAT; World Development Indicators.
No. of Monographs: 
10 000 vols.
No. of Current Serials: 
200 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Prasannalakshmi Sambandamurthy, Head of Library – IWMI

Water management;Irrigation; Water basins; Analysis of water resource systems; Agricultural productivity; Water resources; Agriculture; Environment; Women-in-development; Rural development; Reservoirs; Sustainability; Wetlands; GIS; RIS; Water & Health; Water & livelihoods; Malaria control; Poverty; Hydrology; Natural resources; Water use; water productivity.

Publications catalogue: http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/Publications/index.aspx

ILL-material : Books, maximum 1 month within Colombo
PhotoService: Free, within library
Bibliogr-type: Information/literature search outputs available on intern

SRCRI - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy (CARP)
Library, Agricultural Information Network
Wijerama Mawatha
Colombo 7 Sri Lanka
94 1 697 103/ 94 1 682 951 or 011 2697103/ 2682951/ 2697648
94 1 682 951
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, Animal husbandry, Animal science, Fisheries, Food technology, Forestry
Special Collections: 
Tea, rubber, coconut, agrarian studies, aquatic, agricultural and biological sciences. CD-ROMs on Agriculture-CAB HORT and CAB PEST (in CARP Library)
No. of Monographs: 
1,000,000 vols. approx. in all member libraries
No. of Current Serials: 
520 titles
Aglinet officer: 
Ms. Iranganie Pieris

Agricultural education, Extension & training, Agrarian studies, Agricultural economics,Animal husbandry, Crop husbandry, Fisheries, Food sciences, Forestry, Irrigation, Veterinary sciences.

Vision: To be a network of excellence providing & promoting the use of agriculture related

Information for the socio-economic development of Sri Lanka


Compilation Bibliographies (Print and Electronic)

National Agriculture  Bibliography of  Sri Lanka

Subject Bibliographies (Banana, Drought, Mango, Pineapple, Goat, Organic farming)

Access to Electronic Information

Regular supply of content  pages of current journals

Inter-Library Loan

Provision of Books on Inter –Library Loan

Document Delivery Services

Supply of copies of documents

Training of  library Personnel


To improve capacity of agricultural libraries for speedy access, exchange & delivery

of information required by agricultural scientists  in the country.



SEULT - Sweden
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU),
SLU University Library
P.O. Box 7071
Uppsala Sweden
S-750 07
+46 1867 1103
Subject Coverage: 
Agriculture in general, Animal science, Fisheries, Forestry
Special Collections: 
Life sciences in general, Agriculture, Animal science, Ecology, Rural economy, Fisheries, Food and Nutrition, Forestry, Horticulture, Landscape planning
No. of Monographs: 
280,000 vols. approx.
No. of Current Serials: 
13,000 titles approx.
Aglinet officer: 
Ms. Malin Persson

The SLU University Library have units at the university’s main campuses in Alnarp, Uppsala and Umeå.

The SLU University Library provides access to digital and printed media within our subject areas in life sciences, and also offers a stimulating environment for students and university staff, as well as for the public.


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