UN and other international organizations
- International Trade Center: Market Analysis Tool
To access the following databases, go to www.intracen.org/marketanalysis and register for a personal account with an [email protected] email address. - Rules of Origin Facilitator, https://findrulesoforigin.org/ information on import duties in foreign markets applicable to your product, available duty savings, detailed rules of origin, and certification procedures. - Trade Map, https://www.trademap.org, (trade statistics) to use indicators on export performance, to see international demand as well as exporting companies’ details, to identify alternative markets. - Market Access Map, https://www.macmap.org, (tariffs) for analysing market access conditions worldwide, including applied and bound tariff rates, trade agreements and non-tariff measures. - Market Price Information, https://mpi.org is an online tool to track most recent market price information from multiple sources and geographic areas. It provides daily or weekly prices and market news for more than 300 agricultural products. - Export Potential Map, https://exportpotential.intracen.org, based on ITC trade potential and diversification assessment methodology, to see products, markets and suppliers with untapped trade potential. - Investment Map, https://www.investmentmap.org, to see the sector breakdown of foreign direct investment and foreign affiliates’ information to support investment attraction strategies. - Standards Map, http://www.standardsmap.org, to analyse and compare voluntary standards promoting sustainable development applied to the production and trade of goods and services. - Procurement Map, https://procurementmap.intracen.org, to see detailed information over 150 000 public tenders. This tool offers a route to foster entrepreneurship and to seek new market opportunities.
- IMF - International Monetary Fund - Documents and Publications
IMF data IMF eLibrary
- Official Document System of the United Nations
The Official Document System (ODS) is an online database of UN documents that was first launched in 1993 and updated in 2016. ODS has full-text, born-digital UN documents published from 1993 onward, including documents of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and their subsidiaries, as well as administrative issuances and other documents. The database also includes scanned documents published between 1946 and 1993, including all resolutions of the principal organs, all documents of the Security Council and the General Assembly Official Records.
- Reforma Agraria y transformaciones en el sector agropecuario en Nicaragua 1979-2014 - Biblioteca digital/Digital Library - Cofunded by CIPRES and PNUD/UNDP
*Only in Spanish* La colección está compuesta por documentos que datan desde los años 1979, relacionados con la economía, la producción y distribución de productos agrícolas, el sector ganadero, la reforma agraria, tenencia de la tierra, exportaciones por rubros, agroindustria, entre otros temas que se encuentran en informes, boletines, memorias oficiales, investigaciones, estudios económicos, preservados por el CIPRES entre otros. Incluye la producción del CIPRES de los últimos años y la producción de la información escrita por el Doctor Orlando Núñez sobre temas agrarios.
Fue desarrollada por el Centro para la Promoción, la investigación y el desarrollo rural social de Nicaragua http://cipres.org.ni/ con financiamiento de PNUD. - UN Comtrade - United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics - Database
- United Nations iLibrary
The United Nations iLibrary is the first comprehensive global search, discovery, and viewing source for digital content created by the United Nations. It provides librarians, information specialists, scholars, students, policy makers, influencers and the general public with a single digital destination for seamlessly accessing publications, journals, data, and series published by the United Nations Secretariat, and its funds and programs.
- World Bank publications
- World Development Indicators
The WDI is a compilation of relevant, high-quality, and internationally comparable statistics about global development and the fight against poverty. The database contains 1,600 time series indicators for 217 economies and more than 40 country groups, with data for many indicators going back more than 50 years.
- World Trade Organization Library