3 September 2024: Summer breeding continues

Key points
- Overview: Moderate to heavy rainfall but only low numbers of locusts.
- Current situation: Summer rains continuing in August from the northern Sahel of Mauritania to Eritrea, Arabian Peninsula, and the Indo-Pakistan border; adults in Sudan and parts of Mauritania, Algeria, Chad, Yemen, and Pakistan.
- Forecast: A new generation may begin in October in Sudan and Yemen, where numbers are expected to increase significantly, and could occur in parts of the western region.
The Desert Locust situation was calm during August. Scattered adults continued in the Nile Valley and west of the Red Sea Hills of Sudan. Some adults were observed in eastern Pakistan, the Yemen interior, west and northeast Chad, the central Algerian Sahara, and a few hoppers in western Mauritania. Moderate to heavy rain fell in the northern Sahel between Mauritania and the Arabian Peninsula, including parts of the southern Sahara of Egypt, Libya and Algeria. First-generation breeding is underway, and vegetation is green over a large area. Good rain fell on the Indo-Pakistan border, but few locusts were present.
According to the forecast, hoppers and adults will persist in September. A new generation may begin in October, primarily in Sudan’s interior and probably in Yemen, with some moving to the Red Sea coast where winter breeding season will start earlier than usual. Numbers are expected to increase significantly in both areas, possibly requiring control in southeast Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. In northwest Mauritania and parts of northeast Mali and northern Niger and Chad, a second generation could take place in October. Surveys are needed in September and October. Locusts will decrease along the Indo-Pakistan border.
Download the full Desert Locust bulletin.