
E-Committee on CCALM
30/07/2021On 28 July, Experts from Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) countries met for highly technical discussions on the improvement of the Geographical Information System (GIS) “Caucasus and Central Asia Locust Management System” (CCALM), and more specifically on the algorithms to be used for data analysis and locust forecast. CCALM was created in 2017 to contribute to early warning and prevention of locusts in CCA. It is fed by the field data collected by scouts and control staff using to the Automated System for Data Collection (ASDC) as well as other data sources. CCALM is being introduced to an increasing number of CCA countries and tested during locust campaigns. This is possible thanks to the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Support to the automated collection of field data on locusts
29/06/2021The Automated System for Data Collection (ASDC) was created to facilitate collection of locust information by scouts and control staff. Such information is transmitted, in real time, to the Geographical Information System (GIS) “Caucasus and Central Asia Locust Management System” (CCALM), together with other data, with the objective to allow data analysis and improve forecast. To enable this process, tablets are currently being procured for a number of Caucasus and Central Asian countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This is possible thanks to the support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP).
Posters on Italian and Moroccan Locusts: extension material for staff
19/04/2021Two posters, presenting the biology, ecology and monitoring of the Italian and Moroccan Locusts, have been published in Kyrgyz and in Russian and printed to the attention of technical staff in Kyrgyzstan. Similar posters are under preparation, adjusted for the specific context of each country and translated into national languages, in close liaison with the national entities in charge of locust management. This activity is supported by the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Regional Workshop on locust data collection, analysis, forecast and reporting in CCA held in March 2021
22/03/2021On 16-18 March 2021, the second annual regional Workshop on locust data collection, analysis, forecast and reporting in CCA took place online with the participation of nine countries and up to 66 participants. The workshop allowed discussing a number of topics, including: the use of the Automated System for Data Collection (ASDC) during the 2020 locust campaign and its further improvement, including by testing the new ASDC beta-version that will be ensured by Georgia and the Russian Federation during the 2021 campaign; the use of the Geographical Information System (GIS) “Caucasus and Central Asia Management System (CCALM)” to analyse locust data, that can be complemented by QGIS as additional instrument for analysis of data from different sources; and, on this basis, improvement of locust forecast and ultimately, reporting. Examples of different GIS were provided, including the one developed by the Russian Federation or the tools used for global Desert Locust forecasting in the concerned geographical areas. Overall, good progress were made since the first regional workshop (November 2019) and it was agreed that the overall objective for the 2021 locust campaign will be to increase ASDC cover and CCALM use. This workshop was held thanks to support from the regional project funded by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the FAO Regular Programme.
Refresher Courses being delivered online to all CCA countries
10/02/2021Online Refresher Courses on locust monitoring and information management, including the Automated System for Data Collection (ASDC) and the Caucasus and Central Asian Locust Management System (CCALM), as well as pesticide risk reduction, are being delivered to all CCA countries as part of the Locust Programme in CCA. They target Plant Protection/Locusts Experts, especially Master-Trainers who can in turn deliver training at the national level. So far, the courses have been delivered to Kyrgyzstan (October 2020), Georgia (December 2020), Afghanistan (January 2021), Turkmenistan (early February 2021) and they will follow for the other countries, mainly from February to April 2021. They are carried out thanks to the projects funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and by the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP).

Launch of the new JICA-funded project to the benefit of six Central Asian countries!
01/12/2020The new “Project for Improvement of Locust Management (Phase 2)” was launched on 1st December 2020 at the occasion of the first Project Steering Committee. Representatives of all main stakeholders were present: the six beneficiary Central Asian countries - Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; the resource partner, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); and FAO, in charge of its implementation. This five-year project, of USD 7,5 million, is expected to provide substantial support for improving locust management through regional cooperation and strengthening of technical capacities on a wide range of topics, including for the operational use of the locust Geographical Information System (GIS) entitled CCALM. While the immediate beneficiaries are the national services in charge of locust management, the ultimate beneficiaries of the assistance will be the rural populations living in the locust-affected areas, whose food security and livelihoods will be preserved through better prevention of locust outbreaks and upsurges. Best wishes to all for a successful implementation of this new project!

Annual Technical Workshop on Locusts in CCA successfully held online on 24 26 November 2020
26/11/2020The Technical Workshop on Locusts in CCA was successfully held in November, as every year since 2009 but for the first time remotely. It gathered the participating countries in the FAO “Programme to improve national and regional locust management in the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA)”, the Programme current resource partners -the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)- as well as a large number of observers, including from China and Iran. The workshop allowed discussing: lessons learnt from the 2020 national anti-locust campaign and preparation of the next one; implementation of the Programme in 2020 and work plan for 2021; the latest developments regarding the Geographical Information System (GIS) entitled “Caucasus and Central Asia Locust Management System” (CCALM); risk reduction associated with locust control operations; as well as new projects and resource mobilization.

Remote Refresher Course on locust monitoring, information management and pesticide risk reduction delivered to Kyrgyz Master-Trainers
06/11/2020A Refresher Course on locust monitoring and information management, including the Automated System for Data Collection (ASDC) and the Caucasus and Central Asian Locust Management System (CCALM), as well as pesticide risk reduction, was delivered on 5 and 26-30 October 2020, to the benefit of seven Kyrgyz Master-Trainers, by FAO staff and consultant. This will allow the Master-Trainers to deliver in turn training to other staff at the national level, in November 2020. This Training-of-Trainers is funded by the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). For the first time in CCA Locust Programme, it was delivered remotely to cope with the current pandemics and proved to be functioning well. It is intended to be the first of a series of training to be delivered by FAO to the benefit of CCA countries in late 2020/early 2021.

These Practical Guidelines contain detailed information on the biology, ecology, and behavior of the Italian Locust, the Moroccan locust and the Asian Migratory Locust. These comprehensive and at the same time accessible material is intended primarily for locust and plant protection experts in CCA countries as well as for scientists, students and a wide range of readers. The Guidelines are authored by Mr Alexandre Latchininsky, FAO Agricultural Officer/Locust Management. They are available in Russian while the English version will be published in the near future. They are the second volume of a set of Practical Guidelines published in the framework of the FAO “Programme to improve national and regional locust management in Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA)”, the other being on locust control and pesticides risk reduction in CCA.

New locust project for Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan thanks to Japanese support
21/08/2020The “Project for Improvement of Locust Management (Phase 2)” was signed in late July 2020 between FAO and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to the benefit of six Central Asian countries, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This five-year project, of USD 7.2 million, is expected to provide substantial support for improving locust management through regional cooperation and strengthening of technical capacities on a wide range of topics, including for the operational use of the locust Geographical Information System (GIS) entitled CCALM. While the immediate beneficiaries are the national services in charge of locust management, the ultimate beneficiaries of the assistance will be the rural populations living in the locust-affected areas, whose food security and livelihoods will be preserved through better prevention of locust outbreaks and upsurges. This project is a continuation and expansion of a Japan/JICA funded-project (Phase 1), successfully implemented by FAO in 2015-2019 to the benefit of Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.