Webinar on the development of the current Locust situation globally, in Caucasus and Central Asia and the Russian Federation
18/06/2020A Webinar on the development of the current Locust situation globally, in CCA and the Russian Federation was organized by the FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation on 23 June 2020, with the participation of the Russian Agricultural Center and to the attention of locust experts and partners. This follows the grant of USD 10 million made available by the Russian Federation, through FAO, for the current Desert Locust crisis in Eastern Africa. The webinar allowed addressing the Desert Locust emergency and FAO response, the locust situations in CCA and the related Programme to improve national and regional locust management, as well as locust management in the Russian Federation, among other. More information can be found at:

2020 locust campaign and COVID-19
29/05/2020The 2020 locust campaign has started one month earlier than last year. Survey and control operations are ongoing in all countries despite the sanitary situations related to COVID-19. However, the campaign may be negatively affected in some countries, including by a reduction of available funding. An emergency project, funded by the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme, was approved to the benefit of Kyrgyzstan in this context. Activities of the overall locust Programme in CCA are ongoing, although a few had to be postponed or cancelled due to travel restrictions associated with COVID-19.
Regional Workshops on Locusts held in Uzbekistan in November 2019
29/11/2019The Workshop on locust information analysis, forecasting and reporting in Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) was held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on 11-12 November 2019, with the participation of the ten countries involved in the Programme. It was followed by the Technical Workshop on Locusts in CCA, also in Tashkent, on 13-15 November 2019. During the workshops, the delegates discussed the Programme activities in 2019, the work plan for 2020 and the developments of Automated System for Data Collection (ASDC) and Caucasus and Central Asia Locust Management System (CCALM), which are now available in most CCA countries.
Regional session of the FAO Training on locust monitoring and information management
25/09/2019A regional session of the FAO Training on locust monitoring and information management, including the Automatic System of Data Collection (ASDC) and the Caucasus and Central Asia Locust Management System (CCALM) took place in Uzbekistan, in the picturesque village of Yusufhona on the banks of the Charvak reservoir (90 km northeast of Tashkent). The training was attended by four Turkmen and 12 Uzbek specialists who studied the bio-ecology of locusts, methods of density assessment and using the innovative ASDC software to collect and analyze field information on locusts. For these purposes, FAO purchased and distributed tablet computers to the training participants. The training was organized thanks to the project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The "Practical Guidelines on Pesticide Risk Reduction for Locust Control in Caucasus and Central Asia" are available! They were developed in the framework of the FAO multi-funded and interregional “Programme to improve national and regional locust management in Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA).” More specifically, the preparation of the Guidelines was supported by the "Project for improvement of locust management" in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (GCP/INT/238/JPN) funded by Japan/Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). These Guidelines presents the risks of insecticide handling and use during locust control campaigns, as well as measures that can be taken to minimize those risks. The Guidelines relies on the international best practices as well as FAO experience in other geographical areas, taking into account the features of locust control in CCA. The Guidelines are authored by Mr Harold van der Valk, a renowned Environmental expert, and were peer-reviewed by Experts from FAO as well as from the beneficiary countries. They are available in five languages: Dari, English, Kyrgyz, Russian and Tajik.

Locust joint survey involving Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Russian Federation
09/05/2019A locust joint survey involving Armenian, Azeri, Georgian and Russian Locust Experts was carried out in Kakheti, Georgia, on 7-10 May 2019. Such joint survey allowed Locust Experts from the four concerned countries to collect field data and evaluate the locust situation together. Conducting such field activity is very instrumental for exchanging information and experience as well as sharing best practice. It also contributes to the development of regional cooperation between countries and to building up a regional network of technical experts. This joint survey was organized by FAO thanks to a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Training-of-Trainers on locust management in Caucasus
28/02/2019FAO has launched a Training-of-Trainers (ToT) on locust management to the benefit of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Russian Federation. The organization of two sub-regional sessions, on “Locust monitoring and information management, including the use of the Automated System for Data Collection (ASDC)” and on “Locust spraying and pesticide risk reduction, including ASDC”, respectively in late February and early March 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia, allows training two Master-Trainers per country, based on the worldwide recognized best practices. The Master-Trainers will in turn deliver training sessions at the national level during the 2019 locust campaign, thus expanding the knowledge gained to other national experts. This ToT is organized by FAO thanks to a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
This Information Sheet on locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) presents a shared vision for the next future, as identified by CCA countries jointly with FAO. Indeed, with the critical challenge to ensure the sustainability of national and regional locust management in Caucasus and Central Asia, three main directions have been identified for the coming years: towards long-term regional cooperation on locusts – thanks to the identification of a sustainable regional mechanism; towards prevention and risk disaster approaches – through improved monitoring of locust population dynamics, allowing more accurate forecast and thus early warning and early reaction; and towards further strengthening of national capacities on locust management. The Information Sheet was produced by the FAO “Locusts and Transboundary Plant Pests and Diseases” Team (AGPMM), in the framework of the Food Chain Crisis (FFC)-Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES).
The last and tenth annual Workshop on Locusts in CCA was successfully held on 19-23 November 2018 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, to the benefit of the ten participating countries in the FAO “Programme to improve national and regional locust management in the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA)”. This workshop allowed discussing: lessons learnt from the 2018 national anti-locust campaigns and preparation of the next ones; implementation of the Programme in 2018 and the annual work plan for 2019; as well as a number of technical issues related to locust management, such as the latest developments regarding the Geographical Information System (GIS) entitled “Caucasus and Central Asia Locust Management System” (CCALM) and risk reduction associated with locust control operations. It also allowed addressing resource mobilization for the coming years of the Programme as well as a very important topic: the identification of a sustainable mechanism for long-term regional cooperation on locusts in CCA. This workshop was co-funded by the by Japan/Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Turkey (under the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme – FTPP) and FAO (under its Regular Programme).

This calendar provides some practical advice on safety measures to be adopted by local populations, farmers, shepherds, beekeepers and municipalities before, during and after locust control operations: as long as conventional chemical insecticides are used, precautions should be taken to minimize adverse effects on human health and the environment. Beyond English and Russian, the calendar is available in Farsi, Kyrgyz and Dari. It was despatched, mainly by the national services in charge of locust management, to local populations in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan during the 2018 locust campaigns. The calendar was realized by FAO with financial support from Japan/ Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as well as FAO Regular Programme.