

Ninth annual meeting of the Agricultural Trade Expert Network in Europe and Central Asia

23 Nov 2023

As part of the regional initiative "Transforming food systems and facilitating market access and integration", the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Trade Expert Network took place on 23 November 2023. The meeting addressed current issues in agricultural trade, focusing on trade policies adopted by countries in the EECCA region [...]

Commodity Markets, Trade and Forests: Advancing Responsible Business Conduct in Agricultural Supply Chains

16 Nov 2023

Rome, Hybrid event

Kindly join FAO and OECD for a dynamic panel discussion covering recent trends in responsible business conduct in agricultural supply chains, with a focus on the relationship between commodity markets, trade and forests. The OECD-FAO Business Handbook on Deforestation and Due Diligence in Agricultural Supply Chains , the first global resource to help companies [...]

FAO Food Outlook predicts declining international trade in some basic foodstuffs

10 Nov 2023

Rome, HQ

10/11/2023 Rome - Production prospects across most basic foodstuffs are favourable, but extreme weather events, rising geopolitical tensions and sudden policy changes pose risks for global food production systems and could potentially tip delicate demand-supply balances and dampen prospects for trade and global food security, according to a new report from the Food and [...]


03 Nov 2023


罗马 — 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)今天发布最新报告显示,国际食品价格指数10月微幅下行,环比降低0.5%,所有商品类别中仅乳制品价格指数有所增长。 粮农组织食品价格指数是衡量一揽子食品类商品国际价格月度变化的尺度。2023年10月,粮农组织食品价格指数平均为 120.6点,与上一年同期相比下跌了10.9 %。 粮农组织谷物价格指数10月环比下降1.0 %。其中,受全球进口需求普遍低迷的影响,国际大米价格环比下跌2.0%,而国际小麦价格则下跌1.9%,原因在于美国的供应充足以及出口竞争较为激烈。相比之下,阿根廷供应减少推高了玉米价格,支撑粗粮报价略有上涨。 粮农组织植物油价格指数10 月环比下降0.7 %。季节性产量增加与全球进口需求低迷导致世界棕榈油价格下跌,完全抵消了大豆油、葵花籽油和菜籽油价格的涨幅。来自生物柴油产业的强劲需求对大豆油价格起到了支撑作用。  粮农组织食糖价格指数10月环比回落2.2 %,但相比去年同期仍然上涨46.6%。10月指数下行的主要原因是巴西产量仍旧保持强势增长,但对下一年度全球供应前景趋紧的担忧限制了世界糖价的跌幅。 粮农组织肉类价格指数10月环比下降0.6%。主要原因是进口需求低迷,尤其是来自东亚的需求不振,导致国际猪肉价格下跌,完全抵消了禽肉、牛肉与羊肉价格的微弱涨幅。  唯一例外的是粮农组织乳制品价格指数10月环比上涨2.2%,在连续九个月下行之后出现反弹。其中,世界奶粉价格涨幅最大,主要原因是对近期和较为长期供应的进口需求激增,同时厄尔尼诺天气条件对大洋洲今后奶类生产可能造成的影响也存在不确定性。 更多详细信息,请点击此处。