À l'occasion de la journée mondiale des sols qui a lieu le 5 décembre chaque...

Digital Technology in Plant Health and Trade: 2024 IPPC Regional Workshop for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) Region
07 August 2024
07 August 2024
Rabat, Morocco, August 5-8, 2024: Today Monday 5, the annual regional workshop among member countries of the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region commenced in a hybrid modality in Rabat, the Kingdom of Morocco. The purpose of the workshop is to build phytosanitary capacity, raise awareness of all activities...

Un jeudi ensoleillé de juillet, la salle de conférence d’un hôtel à Rabat est en effervescence. Les murmures des participants se mêlent aux préparatifs minutieux des équipes organisatrices. Plus de soixante (60) experts, issus d'institutions nationales, de partenaires techniques et financiers, ainsi que d'organisations internationales, se sont réunis pour un...

The Mediterranean and Black Sea region, despite its susceptibility to climate change and other impacts, remains one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots due to high species richness, endemism, and the occurrence of rare and vulnerable species, including marine mammals, sea turtles, seabirds, and several species of sharks and rays.
Vulnerable species...

Rabat at the Heart of Agricultural Innovation: A Workshop for the Future of GIAHS in Morocco
27 June 2024
27 June 2024
On June 26 and 27, 2024, Rabat hosted a workshop organized by the FAO Representation in Morocco, dedicated to adapting a national program for the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in the Kingdom of Morocco. This workshop brought together more than 60 participants, including government representatives, agricultural experts, researchers,...

Les 26 et 27 juin 2024, Rabat a été le théâtre d'un événement marquant pour l'agriculture marocaine : un atelier organisé par la Représentation de la FAO au Maroc et consacré à l’adaptation d’un programme national des Systèmes Ingénieux du Patrimoine Agricole Mondial (SIPAM) au Royaume du Maroc. Cet atelier...