Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA)

CREA – the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics - results from the merger of the Agricultural Research Council (CRA) and the National Institute of Agricultural Economics (INEA) – two agencies that previously operated under the supervision of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies. 

The objectives of the initiative include greater coordination and optimization of administrative, economic and organizational efforts for the protection and promotion of Italian agri-food industry.

It consists of 12 centres, of which 6 related to specific areas – i.e. genomics and bioinformatics; agriculture and environment; protection and certification; agricultural engineering and processing; food and nutrition; policies and bio-economy – and 6 related to the supply chain – i.e. crops and industrial crops; arboriculture; viticulture and enology; horticulture and floriculture; animal husbandry and aquaculture; forests and wood products.


Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Italy
Area Europe
Focal Point title Director of the Forestry Research Centre
Focal Point Piermaria Corona
Alternate Focal Point title Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance (MEMOTEF), Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
Alternate Focal Point Luca Salvati
Address Via Po 14, 00198 Rome, Italy or Viale Santa Margherita Arezzo 80, 52100 Arezzo, Italy
Telephone 00390575353021
Fax 0039575353490
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Email 3
Official language(s) of communication of member English/Italian
Electoral Group Europe Major Groups
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