Member category | Intergovernmental Organizations |
Country | United States |
Area | North and Central America and the Caribbean |
Geographic focus of work | Global - Regional - Interregional - Sub-regional - National - Local |
Specific Region(s) | Africa - Asia & The Pacific - Europe - Latin America & Caribbean - Near East & North Africa - North America |
Head | Bruno Oberle |
Head title | Director General |
Focal Point title | Head Climate Change |
Focal Point | Ali Raza Rizvi |
Alternate Focal Point title | Senior Policy Advisor, Climate Change Team, Centre for Economy and Finance |
Alternate Focal Point | Adriana Vidal |
Address | IUCN DC Office, 1630 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Suite 300, Washington D.C. 20009, USA |
Telephone | 0012022941014 |
Fax | 0012023874823 |
[email protected] | |
Email 2 | [email protected] |
Website | http://www.iucn.org/ |
10/04/2002 | |
Electoral Group | Intergovernmental Organizations |
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