University of Milan - GE.S.DI.MONT.

The University of Milan - GE.S.DI.MONT. is an interdepartmental centre, located in Edolo, Italy, that promotes, coordinates and develops teaching and scientific and applied research activities about mountain areas, especially concerning agro-forestry and environmental issues. The centre also works on the specialized degree courses in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas.

The decentralized office in Edolo is a meeting point for cultural and scientific researchers and technicians from different mountain areas, both Italian and foreign, promoting seminars and conferences and implementing programmes of cooperation and exchange. This positive experience has received recognition and attention of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, which signed a five-year agreement with the University of Milan in 2011 to support and encourage the office of Edolo to become a reference point on mountain topics at national and international level.

Member category Major Groups Organizations
Country Italy
Area Europe
Geographic focus of work Mountain territories in Italy and Europe
Specific Region(s) Italian mountain range, with particular evidence to Alps and Apennines area
Head Annamaria Giorgi
Focal Point title Unit Head
Focal Point Annamaria Giorgi
Alternate Focal Point title Franco Mari
Alternate Focal Point Collaborator
Address Via Morino, 8 – 25048 Edolo (BS), Italy
Telephone 00390250330500
Email [email protected]
Email 2 [email protected]
Electoral Group Europe Major Groups
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