
Towards Rio+20 - contributions about mountain issues for the compilation document - Deadline Reminder!


Join the Mountain Partnership community in the campaign to ensure that mountain issues receive their strongly deserved attention in the Rio+20 agenda. An important World Mountain Conference recently concluded in Lucerne, Switzerland. Its Call for Action could provide important elements to ensure mountains be included in the Rio+20 Summit. The Mountains for the World Call to Action is available online in English, French and Spanish. On the Road to Rio+20, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat urges its Members and Friends to include, in your submission to the UNCSD Rio+20 Summit, a message emphasizing the importance of mountain regions and highlighting how your efforts relate to the Green Economy, public-private partnerships and/or food security. The aim of this campaign is to give voice to each mountain region and to assure that sustainable mountain development is endorsed within international negotiations. Don't miss... the 1 November 2011 deadline for the submission of inputs and contributions to the compilation document. This will serve as basis for the preparation of a zero draft of the outcome document for Rio+20. Submissions must sent electronically to the Rio+20 Secretariat. More information is available at

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