Mountain Partnership

Share your 2024 achievements for the Mountain Partnership Annual Report

©Janosch Hugi


Every year, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat publishes its Annual Report, a key document highlighting the collective efforts of our diverse membership in advancing sustainable mountain development.

Mountain Partnership members are invited to share their achievements for the Mountain Partnership Secretariat's 2024 Annual Report.

Here are some key areas we're particularly interested in:

· Successful partnerships at local, regional, national, and international levels.
· Your efforts to build capacity within mountain communities.
· Initiatives that empower mountain communities and organizations.
· Conferences or research on critical mountain issues.
· Your contributions to implementing the Five Years of Action for Mountain Development (2023-2027).
· Reports or knowledge resources published in 2024.

The Annual Report aims to have a balanced representation of members and regions. While the Secretariat can only select a few spotlights to include due to the report’s length limitations, member inputs that are not included will be published, to the extent possible, on the Mountain Partnership website and social media channels.

Contributions should be 100 words per project, outlining the main activities and outcomes, and should be accompanied by a high-resolution photo(s).

The deadline for inputs has been extended to 24 January 2025. Please send contributions to [email protected]