Science and Knowledge Advisory Committee of the Mountain Partnership

The Science and Knowledge Advisory Committee of the Mountain Partnership (SKA) evolved from the Open-ended Scientific Committee for the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development 2022. It aims to underpin the Mountain Partnership’s work and provide support to the Partnership’s advocacy and communication goals, based on the advocacy priorities listed in its Advocacy Strategy and Communication Strategy and in the Aspen Declaration. The SKA also encourages inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, and contributes to the science-policy dialogue in support of sustainable mountain development, including by identifying research gaps and priorities.  

Membership in the SKA is voluntary and open to all individuals, including scientists and practitioners that have a proven interest and/or expertise in one of the many areas related to sustainable mountain development, and to representatives of governments, institutions or organizations, regardless of whether they are members of the Mountain Partnership. Members of this committee can participate either in their personal capacity or on behalf of their government, institution or organization. To join the SKA, contact [email protected].

Policy briefs

Inclusive and resilient mountain food systems: Opportunities and best practices Keeping our mountains plastic waste free Mountain Observations: Monitoring, Data, and Information for Science, Policy, and Society
Ecosystem restoration in the mountains Mountains and heritage-making Harnessing the socio-ecological potential of mountain biosphere reserves for biodiversity conservation
Sustainable soil management in mountain regions Towards systemic disaster risk reduction in mountains
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