
CBD COP 16 side event: Global Mountain Governance: Importance for Building Synergies between Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation

CBD COP 16 side event: Global Mountain Governance: Importance for Building Synergies between Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation


The event "Global Mountain Governance: Importance for Building Synergies between Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation" will take place on 23 October 2024 from 18.00 to 19.30 at the Colombia Pavilion (TBC) during CBD COP 16. This session will address the critical need to enhance regional mountain governance and further...

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Mountain Partnership Secretariat: Annual report 2023

Mountain Partnership Secretariat: Annual report 2023


The Mountain Partnership is the United Nations alliance dedicated to mountain peoples and environments. The Secretariat of the Mountain Partnership is hosted by FAO. The 2023 Annual Report of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) outlines the MPS' key achievements throughout the year, including supporting the observance of the Five Years...

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Training for change

Training for change


This fact sheet is published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It details the Secretariat's capacity development initiatives aimed at enhancing expertise in sustainable mountain development and addressing the limited availability of specialized courses on mountain themes. Each year, the Secretariat...

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The Mountain Partnership

The Mountain Partnership


This fact sheet, published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, outlines the mission and impact of the Mountain Partnership. Established in 2002, the Mountain Partnership boasts over 550 members, including governments, intergovernmental agencies, institutions and civil society organizations. It harnesses the...

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27th session of the FAO Committee on Forestry

27th session of the FAO Committee on Forestry


The 27th Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO 27) wil be held at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy from 22-26 July in a hybrid format. COFO 27 brings together high-level representatives, heads of forest services, government officials and partner organizations to identify emerging policy and technical guidance, seek solutions,...

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Call for case studies, publication on best practices for climate change solutions in mountains

Call for case studies, publication on best practices for climate change solutions in mountains


The past year marked a turning point for the mountain agenda on climate change. Mountains were recognized in the COP 28 stocktake document, and the first-ever dialogue on mountains and climate change took place at SBSTA 60 in Bonn.

To build on this momentum, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat seeks your contributions...

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