UN General Assembly declares 2025–2034 as Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences

UN General Assembly declares 2025–2034 as Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences


In a decisive step toward addressing one of the most pressing climate issues, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) unanimously adopted a resolution on 13 August 2024, designating 2025 to 2034 as the "Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences". This landmark decision aims to tackle the growing challenges posed by...

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Recent updates from Adaptation at Altitude: key insights for mountain stakeholders

Recent updates from Adaptation at Altitude: key insights for mountain stakeholders


The Adaptation at Altitude programme has recently released a series of briefs and articles containing relevant insights for members of the Mountain Partnership and other mountain stakeholders. These publications delve into pressing issues related to climate change, sustainable land management and conservation, offering insights and practical strategies for adaptation.

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Mountain Partnership Secretariat: Annual report 2023

Mountain Partnership Secretariat: Annual report 2023


The Mountain Partnership is the United Nations alliance dedicated to mountain peoples and environments. The Secretariat of the Mountain Partnership is hosted by FAO. The 2023 Annual Report of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) outlines the MPS' key achievements throughout the year, including supporting the observance of the Five Years...

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Enhancing mountain livelihoods and resilience

Enhancing mountain livelihoods and resilience


This fact sheet, published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, highlights initiatives aimed at enhancing livelihoods and resilience in mountain and island ecosystems. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by these regions—from climate change impacts to economic vulnerabilities—the initiatives harness local potential...

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Apply for "GROW - Agrobiodiversity in a Changing Climate" 2024

Apply for "GROW - Agrobiodiversity in a Changing Climate" 2024

peak to peak

The August 2024 issue of Peak to Peak calls for applications to the online training programme GROW - Agrobiodiversity in a Changing Climate, held from 12 to 22 November. Top news stories cover the 2024 IPROMO course, the Pre-COFO event spotlighting young mountain foresters, the mountain peak in Kyrgyzstan named...

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Training for change

Training for change


This fact sheet is published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It details the Secretariat's capacity development initiatives aimed at enhancing expertise in sustainable mountain development and addressing the limited availability of specialized courses on mountain themes. Each year, the Secretariat...

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