Contributions to policy from scientific research - a view from the mountains

Contributions to policy from scientific research - a view from the mountains


The Mountain Research Initiative (TC Americas) and CONDESAN convened a round table discussion, titled “Monitoring of change in mountains: how can research feed policy for sustainable development?” as part of activities in the Mountain Pavilion during the Rio+20 conference. Invited speakers included representatives from Europe, Asia, and North and South...

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Endangered species in the Karakorum Mountains: a threat to biodiversity in the Park

Endangered species in the Karakorum Mountains: a threat to biodiversity in the Park


Mining, uncontrolled deforestation and hunting. These are the factors that seriously threaten the biodiversity of the Karakorum Mountains home to 10 species of mammals and 12 species of birds in danger of extinction. The alarm has been launched in past days by Muhammad Zafar Khan, head of WWF in Pakistan....

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Future Andean Community legislation on illegal mining

Future Andean Community legislation on illegal mining


July 10, 2012. Last week, during a meeting held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombia, the countries who are member of the Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador) analyzed and agreed on the final text of future community legislation on illegal mining.

Please see the complete information in...

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Equator Prize Award Ceremony

Equator Prize Award Ceremony


The Equator Prize is awarded biannually to recognize and advance local sustainable development solutions for people, nature and resilient communities. As local and indigenous groups across the world chart a path towards sustainable development, the Equator Prize spotlights 25 local initiatives by honouring them on an international stage. The event,...

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Experience Sharing and Planning Workshop on Payment Mechanisms for Ecosystem Goods and Services Provided by Rangelands – Testing and Piloting: Call for Papers

Experience Sharing and Planning Workshop on Payment Mechanisms for Ecosystem Goods and Services Provided by Rangelands – Testing and Piloting: Call for Papers


The Planning Workshop on Payment Mechanisms for Ecosystem Goods and Services Provided by Rangelands, will be held from 18 to 20 June 2012 at the Chengdu Institute of Biology (CIB) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in Sichuan, China. The workshop is organized by CIB, Read more »

International Workshop on Business and Biodiversity

International Workshop on Business and Biodiversity


LIFE Institute in cooperation with the Convention on Biological Diversity and the National Confederation of Industry in Brazil, will co-host the International Workshop on Business and Biodiversity on 15 June as a parallel event to Rio+20.The long-day event will be conducted as plenary sessions where representatives from the...

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