
2020 Booklet of Good Practices for vibrant European mountains


To celebrate the start of 2020, Euromontana – the European Association of Mountain Areas - published a new booklet of good practices. This brochure is the result of the exchange of good practices carried out by Euromontana in 2019 and aims at showcasing innovative initiatives for the development of mountain areas in Europe.

From rural development and territorial cohesion to the sustainability of mountain tourism, the promotion of mountain products and the creation of innovative services provision mechanisms among others, this booklet presents inspiring initiatives from Europe’s mountains to adapt and transfer in other mountainous regions.


Author Euromontana
Publication year 2020

Themes: AgricultureCambio ClimàticoSeguridad alimentariaLos BosquesEconomía verdeMountain productsEnergía limpiaSustainable tourism

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