FAO in Mozambique

Small farmers affected by prolonged drought produce chickens in Maputo and Gaza

225 households to be covered

In Mozambique, about 80% of the population survives on the basis of agriculture, and poultry farming is a complementary activity. Most people affected by emergencies rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. Most are farmers, herders, foresters and fishermen who, in times of crisis, often lose their production.

Through this scenario, poultry farming has been a growing activity, becoming one of the sectors of agribusiness that contributes most to the promotion of food security, income generation and economic growth in the country.

FAO's experience in agriculture and livestock farming has been crucial to help these families, and it is through the FAO emergency program that small farmers have been trained in poultry raising practices.

225 households to be covered by the programme

Through this programme, small farmers in the districts of Moamba, Magude, Mabalane, Massingir and Guijá have benefited from FAO-poultry raising training.

For the implementation of this activity, the beneficiaries received building materials for 3 birdcages entitled to 1,500 chicks for each one, to benefit about 225 families covered by this project.

During the training, the farmers could learn several aspects of raising chickens (such as building birdcages), chick's vaccination programs, main diseases and their treatment, biosecurity and also how to manage the chicks business were discussed.

The programme covered those who never thought about raising chickens

In the Guijá district of Gaza province, people who had only agriculture as a means of subsistence added new learning skills.
Rosa Júlio Ncome is a widow and the mother of 3 children. She is part of a group of 20 members of a new association named "Thank God". The association received a birdcage and about 1,500 chicks to start a new form of self-support in their community.

After participating in the training, Rosa and her group put into practice the acquired knowledge and were able to finish the raising cycle successfully. She explains that it is the first time she does this business.

"I did not know I could do this. We want to continue. Like other women in the group, I am a widow. We do not have husbands and we have no means of subsistence to raise our children, "she said.

Rosa does some community work and helps with tax collection in the neighbourhood. After having participated in the training, she considers that she already has tools for her self-support in the association and that she dreams someday to have her own birdcage.

"Value added to poultry raising"

According to the Director of District Services for Economic Activities (SDAE) of Guijá, Acácio João Basso, "the programme is bringing a positive impact and added value to the agricultural activity in the district."

The district has about 22 poultry farmers who are members of 6 associations that can produce up to 10,000 chickens. Through the program 3 more associations were created.

During the interview, the Director noted that "one of the main difficulties pointed out by poultry farmers in the district was related to the handling of animals and breeding techniques, sanitation and food, but with the training provided by the FAO this issues were clarified."

This FAO initiative is supported by the Government of the Netherlands and aims to work to restore local food production, in this case through poultry farming.

After the sale of the first batch distributed by FAO, the associations will continue their activity through the funds acquired and may later purchase individual aviaries to increase family income.

Only in the last year, about 63 thousand tons of chicken meat were produced in Mozambique and this activity is seen as a Government commitment to fight food insecurity.