National Forest Monitoring

Thanks to the financial support from UN-REDD, a new platform has been added to the Open Foris family. Launched on 7 July, Arena is an open-source technical solution enabling forest data collection, storage, management and analysis. Open Foris is a suite of open-source solutions that can be tailored to fit user’s needs, from field data collection to satellite image classification. With the addition of this new platform, the analysis and...


This event focused on the ways in which forest monitoring supports climate action, and it further highlighted country experiences from Papua New Guinea and Ghana and presented FAO’s newest Open Foris tool for collecting and analyzing forest data. 



The restoration of forests and other key ecosystems is a major pathway to address the concurrent climate and biodiversity crises. To meet the needs of forest restoration planning, FAO, in collaboration with the Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), SilvaCarbon and researchers at Peking University and Duke University, have developed a SEPAL-based forest restoration planning tool (Se.plan) that combines ecological data on forest restoration with data on its benefits, costs, and risks. The...


This webinar introduced the Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM) platform for transparent monitoring of ecosystem restoration progress and access to the latest information, data and technology for enabling people, communities, and countries to produce their own restoration information and monitor their own progress. This event took place in advance of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which was launched 5 June, 2021. 


This webinar was designed to clarify why legal and institutional arrangements are paramount to implement robust and sustainable National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS); launch the FAO paper on “Institutionalisation of forest data: Establishing legal frameworks for sustainable forest monitoring in REDD+ countries”; share experiences and lessons learned from Colombia and Uganda for the institutionalization of forest data and enhancement of NFMS.


This educational video is aimed at raising awareness on the importance of forest data collection, analysis and dissemination under the Paris Agreement, focusing on the establishment of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS). This video is strongly linked with the elearning course “Forests and Transparency under the Paris Agreement”, which is the result of collaborative efforts involving the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,...


Importance of Mangroves


Forests cover nearly one-third of the land on Earth. They shelter most of the planet’s irreplaceable biodiversity, help fight climate change and are a source of fresh water, timber and many other vital products and services to humankind


Saving forests by monitoring what’s happening on the ground, together with the local communities


Enhancing forest monitoring in local communities Voices from Colombia

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