FAO and ICA empower cooperatives and other forms of collective action to transform agrifood systems across the Near East and North Africa (NENA).

Building on the collaborative efforts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) to enhance strategic dialogue between governments and cooperatives in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, a regional meeting is taking place in Casablanca, Morocco from 28 to 31 January 2025. The event aims to improve the enabling environment for cooperative development, strengthen their capacities to transform rural and agrifood systems, and contribute to food security, nutrition, inclusive growth and sustainable development across the NENA region.
Jaouad Bahaji, General Director,ONCA, Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Fishiries, Rural Development and Waters and Forests of the Kingdom of Morocco، in his opening remarks stressed ” cooperatives are essential in narrowing down social inequalities, creating new economic opportunities in rural areas, and better use of existing resources. By adopting a collective approach, cooperatives are able to achieve economies of scale, improve market access and promote social inclusion.”
Ahmad Mukhtar, FAO’s Senior Economist for the Near East and North Africa, highlights the longstanding collaboration between FAO and ICA at global, regional, and country levels, reminding that a new MoU was just recently signed, and emphasizing that this initiative is another critical step toward making cooperatives and other forms of collective action key actors in achieving the 2030 Agenda.
Balu Iyer, Regional Director for the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Asia and Pacific, states “Cooperatives are agents of transformation and uniquely positioned to address challenges like poverty, climate change, and food security. By fostering inclusivity, innovation, and partnerships, they drive sustainable development across rural and agrifood systems. In line with the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives theme, 'Cooperatives Build a Better World,' let us harness their potential to create a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future.”
Speaking on this occasion, Ms. Aicha Errifaai, Director General of the Office for Cooperative Development, added: "Moroccan cooperatives are a living demonstration of how collective action can transform not only rural and agri-food systems but also the lives of the individuals who depend on them. This Dialogue is a unique opportunity to share our experience, learn from other countries in the region, and collaborate on developing innovative solutions to address common challenges."
A compendium of good practices in cooperative development in the region takes place during the meeting highlighting success stories and innovative solutions for inspiration and adaptation. In addition to a community of practice focused on cooperative development, serving as a platform for continued knowledge exchange, capacity building, and mutual support among stakeholders was recommended
The meeting also features a poster exhibition showcasing innovative approaches and best practices for cooperative development from state and non-state actors across the region, offering participants a chance to network and learn about successful models.
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests of Morocco and the National Office of the Agricultural Council (ONCA), participants will go for a field visit to local cooperatives on the second day to observe firsthand cooperative practices and engage with local leaders on the challenges and opportunities they face.
The discussions led to the recommendation of a roadmap for continued collaboration and strategic dialogue between governments, cooperatives, and development partners, outlining key areas for joint action and fostering long-term partnerships and supportive policies in transforming rural and agrifood systems in the region through focused exchange of knowledge, policy discussions, collaborative efforts.
This meeting emphasizes the importance of engaging policymakers and stakeholders on opportunities and strategies for enhancing strategic dialogue between governments and cooperatives and how to become central actors in transforming rural and agri-food systems and achieving the region's development goals.