News archive 2018

Photo: ©FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto
The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) and FAO renewed their partnership , paving the way for more joint efforts to enable smallholder and small-scale family farmers in the developing world to benefit from a business model that combines economic and social goals for inclusive development.
Photo: ©FAO//Alessandra Benedetti.
Even in conflict situations, there is much we can do, to keep local food systems functioning and bring hope to affected populations. We need to keep farmers on their farms producing food," Graziano da Silva said at the opening of FAO's Regional Conference for the Near East which is being attended by ministers and other top officials from more than 30 countries.
Photo: ©FAO/Giuseppe Bizzarri
The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) launched today the first voluntary guidelines for forest concessions in the tropics to make concessions more transparent, accountable and inclusive - all for the benefit of some of the poorest and most isolated communities in the world.
Photo: ©FAO/Pier Paolo Cito
Global trade in food is essential for all countries, but the world’s trade and regulation rulebook needs to be rebooted with an eye to bolstering trade in food that is healthy and nutritious rather than simply cheap, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said while presenting an IFPRI report.
Photo: ©FAO/GMB Akash
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has launched an $8.3 million appeal to support Rohingya refugees and host populations - around 1.2 million people - in Bangladesh, as the onset of the cyclone season and monsoon rains is putting already vulnerable communities at even greater risk.
Photo: ©FAO
The heads of the International Organization for Migration and the Food and Agriculture Organization highlighted the importance of current negotiations of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, and of the Global Compact on Refugees, both due to be completed later this year.
Photo: ©FAO/Olivier Asselin
The FAO Food Price Index remained broadly steady in April, averaging 173.5 points for the month, a tiny notch up from March and 2.7 percent higher than in the same month of 2017.
Photo: Julien Saison, via a Creative Commons license:
Soil pollution poses a worrisome threat to agricultural productivity, food safety, and human health, but far too little is known about the scale and severity of that threat, warns a new FAO report.
©FAO/Alessia Pierdomenico
A new study - Strengthening sustainable food systems through geographical indications by FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - has found that food products linked to their place of origin are economically and socially beneficial to rural areas and promote sustainable development.
Photo: ©FAO/Barkin Bulbul
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has urged countries attending an international pledging conference for Syria to invest in agriculture as an engine of stabilization and recovery.