UN Climate Change conference – COP21
©FAO/Laurent Sazy
30 November 2015, Paris/Rome--- From the 30th of November to the 11th of December the UN Climate Change conference – COP21 - will be taking place in Paris. Hopes are high that this will be the meeting where world leaders sign an international agreement to follow-up the Kyoto protocol -- with binding climate targets for 195 countries. The IPCC, which is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change impacts, has listed 8 major risks associated with climate change. Four of those have either a direct impact on agriculture or are closely related to this sector. So - How does climate change affect agricultural production and the sustainability of our food systems? And what are farmers and policy makers doing to curb it and adapt to the effects of climate change that can already be felt?

Martin Frick, Director of FAO's Climate, Energy and Tenure Division, talks about the types of pressures climate change is putting upon agriculture and the outcomes of the UN Climate Change conference – COP21. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
12min. 11sec.
Topic(s): Agriculture & crops, Biodiversity, Climate change, Food production & stocks, Food Security
Produced by: FAO
Reference: 11468