Address by WTO Director-General on on agriculture in upcoming WTO negotiations
2 November 2015, Rome--- Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, visited FAO headquarters and addressed country representatives, UN staff and media on the agriculture-related agreements being negotiated at the upcoming WTO Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, Kenya (15-18 December). Among the envisioned outcomes are steps on export competition in agriculture that have long been a priority for developing countries and could become the WTO’s most significant negotiated outcome on agriculture to date.

Opening statement by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General.
03min. 22sec.

Address by Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General of the World Trade Organization.
18min. 51sec.

Questions and answers session.
49min. 56sec.
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Commerce international & économie, Développement rural ou agricole, Faim & insécurité alimentaire, Prix des denrées alimentaires, Production & stocks alimentaires, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 11397