TZH 18 - The hidden value of forests
Forests are essential to life on earth: they supply us with the clean air we breathe and regulate our climate. But they also offer much more!
Eva Muller, director of Forestry [...]
Fall Armyworm is spreading fast across sub-Saharan Africa, devastating crops and farmers’ livelihoods. Experts fear the pest could eventually spread to the Middle East and Europe. But a new mobile [...]
There are 68.5 million refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people worldwide, 80 percent of whom rely on woodfuel for cooking and heating. In areas hosting displaced populations, often with [...]
Avril 2018- Direction Cabo Verde, à l’ouest du continent africain. Plus de 500 000 personnes vivent dans les 9 îles de l’archipel. 22% de la population active est employée dans [...]
Soudan du Sud:Autonomisation des femmes
Rumbek est une petite ville dans le centre du Soudan du Sud. La ville, régulièrement théâtre de violents affrontements entre groupes armés, s’efforce de retrouver une certaine normalité en répondant [...]